Thursday, Mar 20th

Letter to the Editor: Now Is The Time To Be Kind

starbucksTo the Editor,
Hello Joanne. How are you doing in this brave new world? Thank you for continuing to cover our community and keeping us informed as we collectively and independently deal with a pandemic that has come to our doors.

Over this past week, I have observed the installation of a testing site at the Scarsdale Medical Center on Heathcote Road around the block from our home on Brookby Road and the ever longer lines at the drive through at Starbucks in the Golden Horseshoe Mall. Family all over the country are checking in virtually,

I take walks with neighbors at a social distance, check on those who may need an item from the store and cannot get out themselves, remind the young bikers on our streets to wear their helmets and help Girl Scout troops whose cookie booths have been canceled sell their cookies. I know that many others in our community are doing much the same.

It is my hope that over these next few weeks (months?) that everyone will be kind to each other. Be kind to the spouse who may be annoying you, be kind to your children who are annoying you and be kind to those who have not been kind to you. I ask drivers to watch out for the pedestrians and bikers on our streets trying to keep a safe social distance from each other. Please throw the disposable gloves and masks in a trashcan and not on the streets.

This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community, fortunate in our resources to help each other through this new reality of isolation from each other. Now more than ever, we need each other.

B. Kathleen Munguia
58 Brookby Road