Saturday, Mar 22nd

Village Asks Residents to Pick Up Their Own Leaves

LeafBagsWith 11 members of the highway department either out of work with COVID or due to exposure, the Village’s ability to complete three rounds of fall leaf pick-up has been impaired. At the Village Board meeting on Tuesday November 24, Village Manager Steve Pappalardo reported that the Village has almost completed their second round of pick-up but may not be able to finish the third round, which will leave many leaf piles on Village streets.

He asked for residents and landscapers to help in one of three ways:

-We strongly encourage on-site mulch mowing – it’s easy and beneficial.

-Direct your landscaper to transport leaves to the Recycling Center, 110 Secor Road, where the
leaves are accepted free-of-charge if accompanied by a letter from the property owner attesting to the fact that leaves originated from their Scarsdale residence.

-Bag leaves for curbside Sanitation pickup on your second collection day of the week.

We drove around the neighborhood today and saw that a few homeowners had already responded, packing leaves into bags for pick up by the sanitation department.

Above is a photo of my curb – where I discovered that I needed quite a few bags to complete the job!