Ellen Plum Withdraws Application to Serve as Village Trustee, CNC Seeks Candidates
- Tuesday, 26 January 2021 08:03
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 26 January 2021 11:54
- Published: Tuesday, 26 January 2021 08:03
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2408
Last week, the Citizens Nominating Committee announced their slate of candidates to serve as Mayor and Village Trustees. The CNC selected former Village Trustee Jane Veron for Mayor, current Village Trustee Jonathan Lewis to run for a second term, and Sameer Ahuja and Ellen Plum to run for their first terms.
Scarsdale10583 published statements and biographical information about Veron, Ahuja and Lewis last week but Plum did not forward her responses in time for publication.
On Monday January 25, 2021 CNC Chair Eric Lichtenstein learned that Plum had withdrawn her application citing personal reasons. Commenting on her decision, Plum said, "As it turned out, the Village BOT meeting times were in direct conflict with another Board on which I currently serve. I regret having to withdraw my name. The members of the CNC whom I briefly met, and the people on the 2021 slate headed by Jane Veron, welcomed me warmly and we all seemed to have the same commitment and drive to serve our wonderful Scarsdale community. This was purely a scheduling issue."
As soon as he got the news, he convened the CNC committee to talk through plans moving forward. The CNC is now soliciting applications from the entire Scarsdale Village for the open position. The applications are due by 8 pm on Sunday, January 31, 2021.
The Citizens Nominating Committee will meet on Monday, February 1st at 8pm for new applicant presentations.
If you are interested in being considered to serve as Village Trustee, contact Eric Lichtenstein at 917-864-1122 or by email at
[email protected] or Steve Pass at 917-744-5026 or by email at [email protected].