Thursday, Mar 20th

Police Investigation Finds That Protocols Were Followed After A Claim of Racial Profiling

InvestigationThe Scarsdale Police Department has completed an investigation into a report questioning police conduct in connection with an officer having initiated a conversation with a Scarsdale teen, a person of color.

The Department has concluded that the officer involved in the interaction followed departmental policies and adhered to all procedures during the conversation with the youth. Following a meeting with the Scarsdale Police Department to discuss the reported interaction, Dr. Bakhtiar Ishtiaq, the teen’s father, advised Village officials that he had a constructive dialogue with Police Department personnel and, after having ascertained the facts, has accepted the Police Department’s finding.

The Police Department and Village staff prioritized this investigation to ensure the interaction in question, and interactions by the deportment in general, remain consistent with our community and organizational values supporting an environment where all people feel safe and welcome. In support of our community values, the Scarsdale Police Department has a sustained focus on diversity training and maintains national accreditation by demonstrating compliance with over 450 recognized best practices in policing, being the only such accredited police agency in Westchester County and one of only six statewide.

Village officials and our Police Department leadership request that members of the Scarsdale community and our local media respect the privacy of Dr. Ishtiaq and his family regarding this matter, which has been concluded.