In Support of the SCNP Slate for Village Trustee: Election March 15, 2022
- Friday, 04 March 2022 11:43
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 08 March 2022 21:10
- Published: Friday, 04 March 2022 11:43
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1294
These letters to the editor are written to support the SCNP slate of candidates, for election on Tuesday March 15, 2022 from 6 am to 9 pm at Scarsdale Library.
Dear Scarsdale Community,
We respectfully ask you to vote for Jeremy Gans, Kenneth Mazer, and Randall Whitestone for Village Trustee in the upcoming election on Tuesday, March 15th.
Jeremy Gans, a 15-year Scarsdale resident, serves on the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Executive Committee of the Scarsdale Forum, and the Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund Committee. Previously, he was President of the Scarsdale Youth Soccer Club. Professionally, Jeremy is the President of JDJ Capital Management Company. Jeremy and his wife Lisa have three sons currently attending Scarsdale schools.
Ken Mazer has lived in Scarsdale for over 25 years. He has served on the Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Department for 22 years. During this time, Ken was a Lieutenant, and has also been elected as President. Ken also serves as Chairman of a grant-making foundation at UJA-Federation of New York, and previously was a board member of the New York Association of New Americans. Professionally, Ken is Vice President and co-founder of Global Textile Partners. He lives in Fox Meadow with his wife Melissa and has three children, all educated in Scarsdale schools.
Randall Whitestone, a 27-year Scarsdale resident, is nominated for a second term as Village Trustee. As Trustee, he has served as chair of the Quality of Life and Communications committees and a member of the special committee on the 2021 Village Manager search. Previously, he has served on the Scarsdale Forum; the Citizens Nominating Committee; the Scarsdale Procedure Committee; the Scarsdale Foundation Bowl Committee; and the Arthur Manor Association board. Professionally, Randy is head of media communications and public affairs for The D. E. Shaw Group. Randy and his wife Lisa have two children, both SHS graduates.
Honest and effective local government relies on capable people, like Jeremy, Ken, and Randy, who care about the community and are willing to commit their time, energy, and expertise to continue to improve Scarsdale. They have been selected by the Citizens’ Nominating Committee (CNC), comprised of 30 members of the community, elected to evaluate candidates for Village Trustee, Justice, and Mayor. The CNC welcomes and encourages any Scarsdale resident who would like to serve on the Board of Trustees to submit an application to the CNC for consideration. The CNC thoroughly evaluates each candidate, carefully considering relevant experience in community organizations, professional and educational background, and reference checks. While the process is transparent, the content of the CNC’s deliberations is kept confidential, for the sake of Candidates’ privacy, to encourage open and honest dialogue, and to foster greater resident participation. To learn more about the Non-partisan process, please visit:
Gans, Mazer and Whitestone have been nominated by the CNC for their character, temperament, extensive civic activities in Scarsdale, and their commitment to public service. The village election will be held on Tuesday, March 15, in the Scott Room at the Scarsdale Public Library. Please vote for Gans, Mazer, and Whitestone.
Jared Stern and Omer Wiczyk
Co-Chairs, SCNP Campaign CommitteeTo the Editor:
I am writing to express my support of the Scarsdale Village Trustee candidates nominated by the Citizens’ Nominating Committee (CNC) – Randy Whitestone, Jeremy Gans and Ken Mazer.. I am a long term resident of the Village who raised our family here. I have participated on many civic committees over the past 20 years, have served as a member of the CNC and have been twice elected a Village Trustee.
The CNC has put forth a strong slate of candidates for voters’ consideration. They all have significant experience volunteering to better our community and have achieved success in these roles. They have diverse backgrounds that will complement each other as well as the current members of the Village Board. They will also add a variety of perspectives that will contribute to shaping the important issues facing village government. Background on the candidates, including their professional accomplishments and their prior service in the Village can be found on the Scarsdale Citizens’ Non-Partisan Party’s website, "".
I am particularly acquainted with Randy Whitestone who I have known for more than 20 years. We served on the Scarsdale Forum’s Village Fiscal Affairs Committee where I learned of Randy’s professional skills and good judgment. As he has demonstrated in his first term as a Village Trustee, he is an astute analyst of village government and the services it provides. His thoughtful application of his analytic skills which reflect his career in finance and professional communications, has enhanced the effective governance of our village.
Since Randy joined the Village Board two years ago, I have watched with interest, and the perspective of a former Trustee, as he digs in on both strategic and tactical priorities for village government and brings a measured, balanced view to the issue at hand.
Randy Whitestone embodies and demonstrates the kind of leadership we need in these uncertain times. We are fortunate to be able to take advantage of his willingness to serve and dedicate his time and expertise on our behalf.
At the core of our great community’s long-term success are the talented and dedicated citizens who work tirelessly without financial reward for the greater good. Their commitment makes all of our lives better. While these candidates are running without challenge it is important for us to vote. Voting participation legitimatizes our democratic process. It also sends an important message of support to our candidates who dedicate a significant amount of time to maintain our high-quality Village government and the services it provides.
I encourage all of those registered to vote for Randy, Jeremy Gans and Ken Mazer – all excellent candidates -- and show our community’s support of our non-partisan system which has served us well for decades.
Please vote on March 15th at the Scarsdale Public Library.
Thank you.
Ken Rilander
Brite Avenue
(Photo Credit Mark Jessamy)