Thursday, Mar 20th

Eagle Scout Builds Outdoor Fitness Stations at SHS

WardBandsmaA Scarsdale High Senior who is also a gifted runner and a boy scout has realized his dream to construct three outdoor fitness stations next to the Scarsdale High School track.

The work began two years ago when Ward Bandsma was a sophomore at Scarsdale High School and contemplating his project to earn him the designation of Eagle Scout. In collaboration with his track coach Richard Clark, Ward envisioned the installation of three fitness stations to be used by both students, sports teams and community members as an outdoor gym to be used free of charge. Each station would facilitate a variety of exercises.

Working with Recreation Department Supervisor Brian Gray, Bandsma selected three stations from PlayWorld for an estimated cost of more than $11,000 plus miscellaneous expenses for freight, wood chips, railroad ties and signage. He then embarked on an ambitious fundraising campaign to come up with the budget to install the equipment.

He started with requests to both the schools and the Village who both turned him down. He made presentations to Recreation Department head Brian Gray and Assistant to the Village Manager Josh Ringel but was unsuccessful at securing the funds. He met and presented the plan to SHS Principal Ken Bonamo and wrote a detailed project proposal for Athletic Director Ray Pappalardi who presented it to sports booster organization Maroon and White, again with no success. Finally he turned to the Scarsdale School Education Foundation and the Scarsdale Foundation who ultimately granted him $4,500 and $2,500 respectively.

Looking for further funding and grants, Bandsma went online and launched a campaign on Go Fund Me where he raised another $5,090 which made it possible for him to move forward.

Rather than hire a company to install the equipment, Bandsma recruited his fellow scouts to dig holes, assemble equipment, level the equipment, mix and pour cement, rake and install wood chips. This work was done on December 15 and 16, 2018. He estimated that the labor to install the three stations would have cost $7,500.

On September 2, 2019 Bandsma’s accomplishment was recognized at the Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony attended by troop members, his family and fitnessstationState Assemblywoman Amy Paulin. He received his Eagle Scout pin from Scoutmaster Ed Connolly while his parents, grandparents and family looked on.

It was a proud day for Ward’s family, marking a wonderful contribution to the Scarsdale community.

connollyandcrouchBrian Bandsma, Scoutmaster Ed Connolly and Ward Bandsma at the Eagle Court of Honor ceremony.