Thursday, Mar 20th

Ten Elected to School Board Nominating Committee; Amendments Pass

electionresultsTen candidates were elected on January 14, 2020 to join the School Board Nominating Committee for 2020. The following candidates were elected:

Edgewood - Cecilia Anon-Kowalski, Prem Itharat

Fox Meadow - Swapna Kanekar, Jonathan Lemle

Greenacres - Deborah Jeanne Skolnik, Cindy S. Yau

Heathcote - Curtis Parker, “Claire” Yin Yang

Quaker Ridge - Susi D’ambra Coplan, Purnima Srivastava

A total of 137 votes were cast in the election, of which nine (9) were mail-in ballots. There were two (2) write-in candidates. A total of 240 votes were cast in 2019.

The breakdown of votes cast by neighborhood are as follows:
Edgewood: 21
Fox Meadow: 26
Greenacres: 19
Heathcote: 37
Quaker Ridge: 34

This year’s new members will join the existing SBNC members of the committee each serving three-year terms on the SBNC followed by a two-year term as part of the Administrative Committee.

The 21 amendments to the Resolution were passed. A total of 125 Resolution ballots were cast in the election, of which nine (9) were mail-in ballots. The breakdown of votes cast for each amendment is as follows:







The committee will have its first meeting on January 26, 2020 and by the end of March it will nominate two (2) candidates for the Scarsdale Board of Education to fill the seats currently held by Christopher Morin and Scott Silberfein. All Scarsdale residents are welcome to propose Board of Education candidates to the SBNC at [email protected]. The SBNC Board of Education candidates, along with any other candidates who may choose to run, will stand for public election May 19, 2020 at the same time as the school budget vote.

Press Contact: Felicia Block, (917) 287-3079, [email protected]