Friday, Mar 14th

District Offers Thanks to 12 Retiring Staff Members

Retirees“Intrinsic commitment to excellence.” “Excellent rapport with students.” “Versatile, knowledgeable, and so easy to work with.” These are only a few of the complimentary words used to describe the eleven faculty members and one administrator retiring from the Scarsdale School district at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Before the Board of Education Meeting on Monday June 5th, the BOE held a special Retirement Ceremony to honor the esteemed careers of the respected individuals who dedicated years of service to our Scarsdale students and school communities.

Superintendent Drew Patrick began the celebration by reminding the packed room of teachers, administrators, PTA representatives and other well-wishers, of Scarsdale School District’s mission to, “Sponsor each student's full development, enabling our youth to be effective and independent contributors in a democratic society and an interdependent world. We emphasize educating the whole child, while developing a sustained love of learning. We challenge our students to learn actively and collaboratively; to think critically and creatively; and to make connections locally and globally. Non-sibi- not for oneself alone- is an overriding philosophy that recognizes the impact our community can have on a world full of complex problems that need to be solved for the benefit of all people.”

BoyerHe went on to state, “This ambitious mission would be inert except for the life breathed into it by our extraordinary educators. This year, we are saying farewell to a collection of remarkable individuals that saw this work as sacred work, and as service work. Their talent, their decisions, their care, their curricula, and their relationships with their students brought the mission to life. These special individuals brought the joy of making, thinking, reading, writing, problem solving, researching, experimenting, hypothesizing, designing, coding, and researching to thousands of Scarsdale students, faculty, and staff. On behalf of a grateful Scarsdale community, BOE, and Cabinet, I thank you all for your distinctive contributions to our school community. Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement, we wish you joy and happiness in the years ahead. Now, I am delighted to turn it over to Carol to introduce each of our retiring faculty members.”

Next, Carol Priore, Interim Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources & Leadership Development, acknowledged each retiree before they were congratulated by members of the Board and given a small token of appreciation. In addition to introducing each faculty member, Ms. Priore shared comments made by administrators and department chairs from classroom observations early on in their careers:Retire6

Christine Boyer: joined the Heathcote faculty in 1997 and established herself as an innovative teacher. Heathcote principal, Ronnie Marantz, described Christine in this way, Self-reflected and committed to continued professional growth, Ms Boyer exhibits the best of teaching qualities: an extraordinary work ethic and an intrinsic commitment to excellence. Still at the beginning of her career, she holds considerable promise for becoming one of those rare and special teachers whom we all wish for our children.

Janie Fitzgerald: Janie joined the Scarsdale Middle School faculty in 2000 as an English teacher. In Janie’s very first observation, Mike McDermott stated, Janie, you came to us as a veteran teacher and I anticipated that you would hit the ground running. You have hit the ground at a record speed! You bring to Scarsdale not only exemplary teaching skills but also connections to middle level education that will be an asset to us.

Jennifer Gilbert: Jen joined the Scarsdale Junior High School staff in 1987 and yes 36 years ago it was a junior high school. Peter Telfer was the principal and Ray O’Donnell was the science department chair. Ray writes, Jennifer is a highly respected member of the Junior High Science Department and she has consistently strived to do her share in the endless pursuit of excellence this department has as a goal. No task is too large or too complex for Jennifer to see to successful completion.

REtireARadmilla Knezevich: Radmila began teaching 5th graders in Scarsdale in 1997 at Fox Meadow Elementary School. Radmila is an excellent teacher, writes Steve Frantz, Fox Meadow’s principal. She is creative and engaging. She understands the age group’s cognitive, physical, and emotional development. She develops excellent relationships with her students and there is mutual admiration and respect in her classroom.

Lorella Lamonaca: Lorella came to Scarsdale 24 years ago. First as the Radmillapart-time teacher in charge at Quaker Ridge School and then moving into a teaching position at Edgewood Elementary School. Scott Houseknecht states, Mrs Lamonaca is a highly valued member of our school community. Her contributions are recognized by all of her colleagues. Her intelligence, dedication, love of children and uplifting personality have attracted all those around her.

Retire5Greg Leong: Greg began as a mathematics and computer teacher in 1995 at Scarsdale High School. Principal John Klemme stated, Mr Leong brings a wealth of information and experience as well as excellent rapport with students to his class. He manages to keep the atmosphere light on complex topics and he is readily available for meaningful student assistance. Mr. Leong gives freely of his time and students appreciate his patient manner and he has found his niche at Scarsdale High School in the computer support position.Leong

Nancy Pavia: Nancy has been a member of the Scarsdale faculty for 34 years. She first taught mathematics as part of the Popham 6th grade team and most recently served in the capacity of Instructional Coach and Coordinator supporting our elementary faculty with mathematics instruction. Dom Castiello, mathematics department chair, writes, Nancy is truly one of our better teachers. Nancy is never satisfied with just doing a good job. She always seeks out a better way. Mediocrity is not and never will be part of her vocabulary.

Retire4Pam Winders: Pam came to the Scarsdale School District in 1978. Joan McCann writes of Pam, Miss Richman is a refreshing addition to the Scarsdale teaching staff. She is kind, sincere, and bright. I am most pleased with her eagerness to work on curriculum with consultants as well as with other staff members. She has incorporated Project Logo, KYB, and the Calkins writing program into her classroom. She brings a renewed quality to our school.

Lisa Yokana: In her time at Scarsdale High School Lisa has taught art teacher, Civ Ed, ninth grade foundations, digital photography, architecture, and is retiring as the STEAM Coordinator. With her art background and artistic sense she has put the A+ in STEAM education. John Klemme stated, We are lucky to have someone so intelligent, versatile, knowledgeable, and so easy to work with. There are few teachers so accomplished.

Stuart Mattey. Stuart has provided outstanding leadership in the District and has worked tirelessly to provide for students and staff. Although I have only known Stuart for one year, I’ve learned that he is deeply committed to supporting children through sound financial decisions and removing barriers to allow for innovation whenever possible.Retire3

To conclude the festivities, BOE member Ron Schulhof spoke on behalf of the Board, when he shared, “I would also like to express our thanks to our retirees for all that you have done for our students and for our school district for so many years. Your careers have been distinguished and your contributions significant. You have provided such an important impact to so many students that have come through these hallways and classrooms. We appreciate your many years of hard work and service. Congratulations to all of you and we wish you for a relaxing and fulfilling retirement.”
