Friday, Mar 14th

Scarsdale BOE Considers Exception to the District Gift Policy

basketballnetThe Board of Education considered a one time exception to their gift policy of capping gifts from the PTA’s to the schools at $10,000 at their May 9th meeting. The issue arose when the Greenacres PTA and the Greenacres Neighborhood Association proposed a one-time gift of $25,000 to repair the basketball court and fencing at the school.

Karen Ceske, Greenacres PTA President reported that the PTA has safety concerns about the basketball court and field as the metal supports for the nets are rusted, the blacktop is cracked, there is a large sinkhole, new baskets are needed and the old metal fencing that surrounds the field needs to be replaced. This year a fourth grader ran into the fence and badly cut his lips and cheeks. Unlike the other elementary schools, the Greenacres playground has not undergone a renovation.

Ceske encouraged the Board to allow the PTA to give a onetime gift of $25,000 to the school for repairs and also volunteered to put additional funds into a pool for the middle school and high school to ensure parity between schools.

Board member Elizabeth Guggenheimer studied the issue and framed the conversation for the Board.

She proposed a one time exception to the gift cap of $10,000 to allow school PTA’s to fund needed projects since the district’s facilities budget had been severely reduced. She suggested that a one time additional gift of $25,000 plus $5,000 for a middle school and high school fund be permitted this year. Since some of the PTA’s have cash reserves these extra funds could be used to benefit the entire district

She posed the following questions which the Board discussed at length:

  • Should there be a timeframe for accepting these gifts?
  • Should there be limitations or parameters on how these funds should be used?
  • Who will decide how money will be spent?
  • What kind of review process should there be?

Following the discussion it was agreed that a proposal for this one-time exception should be submitted in writing and the Board would vote on it at their next meeting. Everyone seemed to be in agreement that the gift would benefit the school. One potential issue was raised by PT Council President Tracy Jaffe who reported that all five elementary schools may not be able to contribute. She relayed that some had problems with fundraising this year and may not be in a position to make a gift at this time. If so, the condition that all schools be treated equitably could prove to be a problem.