Friday, Mar 14th

Edgewood Students Make a Swimmy and Learn to Salsa

Edgewood Elementary School students made a Swimmy out of the kids and teachers of Edgewood. They first learned about Swimmy in their first assembly in 2009 when they read the story Swimmy by Leo Lionni. They realized that they could all come together as one big fish. Now the students plan to sell the pictures and give that money to the Red Cross to use for relief efforts in Haiti.

In Spanish, the word Salsa means sauce. Using a variety of jazz and authentic Latin percussion instruments, musicians from some of America's most renowned Latin bands explored the Afro-Cuban roots of Salsa and its more contemporary variations at Edgewood Elementary School. Students were introduced to basic techniques, the role of each instrument, and the concept of the clave rhythm, the unifying element of Salsa. Two of the highlights were when students and teachers were invited to salsa dance and when instrumental teacher, Connie Leviatin, was invited to join the band!







The salsa event was sponsored by the Edgewood PTA.  Photos and information courtesy of Tracy McCarthy.