Sunday, Mar 02nd

District Treasurer Jeff Martin Looks Back on 25 Years in the Dale

JeffMartin A familiar face at Scarsdale School Board meetings, Jeff Martin is usually the guy who sits in the audience and can answer any money questions that arise. He seems to know the school budget by heart and is also a treasure trove of facts about the fiscal history of the district. At the January 24, 2022 meeting of the school board, Martin announced his plans to retire. So we took this opportunity to ask the answer man even more questions, about himself, the job and operating a large and complex school district. Here is what he shared:

How long have you worked in Scarsdale and what did you do before coming here?

I joined Scarsdale officially in December 1996, 25 years ago, although I was already a member of the Scarsdale community in 1989 as Scarsdale Schools was actually my first client when I became an auditor for Ernst & Winnie back in July 1989, fresh out of college. I remember the first day in the office at Ernst & Winnie in White Plains and they sent me out to my first client which happened to be the Scarsdale Schools. It was July 17, 1989, almost 33 years ago!

During your tenure, how has the job evolved?

Oh my how things have changed and evolved. My predecessor, who I knew very well, did all his work on ledger paper. We didn't really have the right systems back then, so much of the year end closing was done on paper ledgers. It took a good part of my first three years here for me to transition the accounting system to a more integrated system. That's the way it was back then, we were no different than other schools. Computers were really just starting to become personal devices instead of mainframes. When I first started, our backup files were stored on digital reel to reel tape and stored in a fireproof safe. Of course that is all history. Now, with the help of such a robust technology team being led by Rachel Moseley and Jerry Crisci and their team(s) we have grown by leaps and bounds in technology. As anyone who has lived it knows however, technology does not always assist us with getting our jobs done quicker, it sometimes expands our workload exponentially.

What are the most challenging parts of managing a $166 million budget?

The budget process is actually a lot easier than most would imagine. Our educational world is made up mostly of people. We are a people business and we hire the best in the business. After realizing that the budget consists of 80% salary and benefits, you are left with managing the remaining pieces. There are a lot of moving pieces in this 20%, but the credit for this institution goes out to all the people that make up the institution and the credit lies in hiring the best teachers, administrators, custodians, secretaries, other support staff.

How many people are on your staff? And what are their roles?

As Treasurer, I'm responsible for the budget and audited financial statements and I coordinate all of that myself. It's been my baby so to speak. I am also responsible for overseeing the other accounting functions such as accounts payable, bookkeeping and payroll, a staff of three, but I'm intertwined with many others within the central office. I am so fortunate to have had a very dedicated staff over the years. Such amazing people, the Sarah Mann's and Anne Glover's of the past who made my job easy, to my current staff who do them same. I admire hard work and I've had some real dedicated employees over my tenure here. In fact, I'd be remiss if I did not thank one person in particular, Linda Pisano. Linda started here as the payroll clerk and has earned her current position as Purchasing Agent. I couldn't ask for a better person to be working side by side with.

How did the implementation of the tax cap affect your work?

Oh my, I have rather strong opinions on the tax cap. I'm afraid to share them, but suffice it to say that as an accountant, any arbitrary number to hold out as a tax cap doesn't seem to make too much sense. I personally believe we have been fortunate for many years to have come in under the tax cap. For anyone who would listen, I would say there will be a time when we won't be so fortunate. However, I can allow myself to step back and give credit to Stuart Mattey and our administrative team for developing a carefully planned budget and fund balance for many years since the institution of the tax cap in 2011. I will allow myself to take credit here as well. It's always a challenge developing a budget, especially one that everyone has to realize, like it or not, has been tilted somewhat by this arbitrary tax cap. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I do know that eventually there will be a year where achieving a budget within the tax cap will not be achievable. It just makes sense that there will be a day when our desires as a community and the incredible institution of Scarsdale Schools will override this arbitrary cap. With the current cost of educational materials, CPI and the Costs for Fuel Oil / Natural Gas and Electric commodities, this day may come sooner than we think.

How do you stay up to date on state mandates and requirements for the audit?

I'm a CPA by trade, so staying up on the audit requirements was something that I always liked to do.

How would you rate the district’s software for budget management?

As a district we have always been fortunate to have a company that has grown with the industry. Over my tenure, I have seen five different financial software packages that other schools have implemented over the years. That's right, many other schools have changed financial software packages every 5-10 years, looking for the best solution. We have not. Scarsdale has had only one company and they have grown their product accordingly. There will come a time when we might need to make a change as more and more information is required by the NYS Education Department and the federal government. Two items that come to mind are the NYS Transparency Report and the Federal ESSA reporting, two new mandates that consume literally hundreds of hours of work to fit a square peg in a round whole. I have much larger opinions on this, but we don't have enough time.

This year, the administration is proposing to add ten full time employees to the staff. Can we do that without making other cuts and remain below the cap?

The budget document is a working document and will be unveiled on Monday February 14th. You will have to wait and see.

What do you plan to do when you retire? Will you continue your career in another role?

That's a great question. I'm not sure. I'm lucky I have 8 months to figure something out. I know my wife wants me to take some time off and reassess after a break. I also know that I will have much more time doing things like cooking for my family. And I will spend a lot more time dancing in my driveway listening to good music. Dancing is how I just lost 40 pounds, so it is now a part of my life. Maybe I'll stop dancing alone? But oh how nice it is to be able to dance alone with just my thoughts. I also plan on golfing much more and taking up riding my bicycle again.

Can you think of anything funny/strange or weird that happened during your time in Scarsdale? Funny, strange or weird!

Hmmmmmm.........there are literally hundreds of stories over the years, lots funny, lots sad, and lots just plain incredible.

What will you miss when you leave us?

I knew after only three years auditing this district at Ernst and Young at that time, that this was the place for me. I knew that working for a non-profit fit my profile as a human being and Scarsdale was it for me. It has been a very big part of my life. It's going to be tough leaving the Dale as Dr. McGill used to call it! Tough! I will cherish so many of the wonderful people that have touched my life here. I'd be terribly remiss not to mention the incredible Board of Education members that I have had the pleasure of working with........there are just too many to name, but they know who they are, the one's that have touched my heart! Their dedication is amazing! We should always honor their commitment! And other people like Dr. Joan Weber and Dr. Michael Mendelson who also hold a special place in my heart.

There is no looking back, only forward! Jeff 2.0 is looking forward.