Friday, Mar 14th

Police Investigate Online Threat Posted by Former SHS Student

gunThis information was received from the Scarsdale Police at 6:10 on Monday evening:
The Scarsdale Police Department has been notified by the administration of the Scarsdale High School of a disturbing online posting to a "GroupMe" group chat of several former Scarsdale High School students. One of the members of this "GroupMe" chat posted a message stating "don't go to school today boys" with an imoji of a handgun. The former student who posted this GroupMe message was concerned about an earlier Instagram post by another former Scarsdale High School student, and included a screenshot of the previous Instagram message in his chat posting.

The Scarsdale Police Department has located the former student who posted the original Instagram message, and interviewed him and his family. It was determined that this former Scarsdale High School student, who is developmentally challenged, had posted on Instagram that he was not happy at his current school in Rockland County. This individual does not own or have access to firearms, and it was not his intent to threaten or alarm anyone in the Scarsdale High School community.

Members of the "GroupMe" chat group, where the "don't go to school today boys" message was posted, stated that the message was posted out of concern over the prior student's Instagram posting. The Scarsdale Police have also notified the school in Rockland County that the former student who posted the Instagram message attends. The Scarsdale Police Department will continue to investigate both the Instagram poster and GroupMe poster for any additional follow-up or referrals.
Out of an abundance of caution, the Scarsdale Police Department has coordinated with the administration of the Scarsdale High School, and will be maintaining an increased presence at the High School, and the school will be implementing increased security measures and limiting access to the facility.

In an email to high school parents on Monday February 26, SHS Principal Kenneth Bonamo reassured parents and asked them to communicate with the school. He said: " .... At this point, it does not seem likely that there is an imminent threat to student safety or school security. However, out of an abundance of caution, there will be an increased police presence during student drop-off tomorrow morning."

..."Understandably, recent events have many of us on edge about school safety and security. We are working diligently to investigate anything untoward, to remain clearheaded about perceived threats, and to keep everyone informed. We appreciate your partnership in maintaining our collective safety by sharing any concerns you may have. Our safety is enhanced by good communication and a strong sense of shared responsibility in this work, and we received many reports about this post today."