Saturday, Mar 15th

New Playground, Fieldwork and Tennis Court Repairs Planned in the Proposed 2025-26 Village Budget

tenniscourtWith a $1.178 mm budget gap between projected revenues and expenses for the 2025-26 fiscal year, at a work session on February 11, 2025 the Village Board and Village Treasurer examined options for how to balance the budget. How much of the fund balance should be used in the 2025-26 budget and should the budget exceed the state tax cap? Were there any expenses that could be cut?

The Village tax portion of a homeowner’s tax bill is not as steep as it is for school taxes. The treasurer’s report shows that if the Village Board keeps the increase in the Village budget to the tax cap limit of 3.01% the increase for the average taxpayer would be $125.25/year. If the Board opts to pass a budget that exceeds the tax cap with a 4.57% increase, the average taxpayer would get a $249.20 increase in their tax bill.

The Village Treasurer presented the Board with four budget scenarios that varied the use of the unassigned fund balance and estimates for sales tax revenue, interest earnings and even the cost of snow removal, which has been less than anticipated in the last few years.

The Board appeared to favor a scenario that exceeded the tax cap but preserved fund balance for upcoming projects such as the restoration of the Scarsdale Pool Complex. The Board will meet again to finalize the numbers.

While they were discussing finances we took a look at the capital projects that are in the proposed 2025-26 budget and noted, the following items for the Parks Department. While the budget could change, this is what’s now planned:

-Aspen Park Playground Renovation: $300,000
-Winston Field Improvements: $600,000
-HS Platform Tennis Court Improvements: $30,000
-HS Tennis Court Crack Repairs: $90,000
-SMS Tennis Court Crack Repairs: $75,000
-Crossway Tennis Court Crack Repairs: $120,000

There’s lots more allocated for storm drainage, curbing, sidewalks, Freightway Garage repairs, Village Hall and more. Take a look at the budget here:

Following the work session, there was a meeting of the Village Board.

Here are a few of the resolutions that were approved:

Emily Giovanni was appointed as an Assistant Village Manager. She comes to Scarsdale from a position at Croton on Hudson.

Also appointed was a new Lieutenant of Police to fill the shoes of Lieutenant Steve DelBene who was promoted to Chief of Police.

Tax Cap Override

The Board scheduled a Public Hearing on a resolution to authorize a real property tax levy that exceeds the NYS Tax Cap. The hearing will be held on February 25 at 8 pm at Village Hall. Mayor Justin Arest said, “this does not mean that we will go above the tax cap,” but gives them the flexibility to do so if they adopt a budget that does exceed the cap.

Tennis Court Fence Height

Another resolution was passed to hold a public hearing on a law affecting the height of fences around tennis courts on February 25, 2025. According to a memo from the Village the Board of Zoning Appeals has adopted guidelines to allow 10 foot high fences around courts but this does not concur with Village Code that forbids fences higher than seven feet. This new law would make the zoning code and Village code consistent.

Appointment to the Board of Architectural Review

Jason Young was appointed as an alternate to the Board of Architectural review for the unexpired portion of a term ending April 6, 2026.

Recreation Fees and Charges

The Board of Trustees approved a schedule of Recreation Fees and Charges for 2025-26. You can review the fees here:

The Board approved a license to allow Verizon vehicles to park on the lower level at Scarsdale Village Hall.

Written Communications

The Board received a report from the Scarsdale Forum on artificial turf. Click here to read the report:

Tax Collections

Village Treasurer Ann Scaglione reported that tax collection rates were the highest they have been in four years with 99.7% of county taxes, 98.52% of school taxes and 99.09% of village taxes collected as of January 31, 2025.