Thursday, Mar 20th

Recent Edgemont Grads Arrested for Burglary

Robert_Ketzler2More surprising news from the Greenburgh Police, where detectives have been seeking information about a recent spate of burglaries. On Monday December 6, Greenburgh Detectives announced the arrest of two boys who just graduated from Edgemont High School in June, 2010. They have been charged with two burglaries that occurred on the night of November 30th on Pheasant Run and Andrea Lane.

The boys entered the homes during the night when residents were home and stole computers and electronic games. From the Andrea Lane home they took a Mac Notebook, an Xbox and an iTouch, and from the Pheasant Run house they helped themselves to a Dell laptop computer and a Playstation 3.

The suspects were identified as Robert Ketzler, age 18 of Warnke Lane, Scarsdale and Charles McCarthy, age 19, of 300 South Central Avenue, Hartsdale. Ketzler was charged with two counts of burglary in the second degree for both of the burglaries and McCarthy was charged with one count of burglary in the second degree for the break-in on Andrea Lane.

According to Captain Chris McNerney, Ketzler and McCarthy have not been ruled out as suspects in some of the ten open residential burglaries in McCarthy1Edgemont. McCarthy is on probation for an attempted robbery conviction in Eastchester in 2008. They were both arraigned in Greenburgh Court on Tuesday December 7th and released on $1,000 bail.

Pictured above: Top left: Robert Ketzler, bottom right: Charles McCarthy