Thursday, Mar 20th

Greenburgh Police Report

pitbullOlder Driver: An 87-year old New Rochelle man released the emergency brake on his 1999 Lexus, and it rolled through a guard rail and into a retaining wall at 313 South Central Avenue on the afternoon of March 1. The driver, Abraham Locitzer was not hurt but $6,000 in damage was done to his car.

Thefts: Two men entered the T-Mobile Store on North Central Avenue around 5 pm on March 1 and made off with four pre-paid cell phones and four blue tooth head sets. The store manager reported that one man exited the store with the goods while the other distracted the manager. When the manager realized what had happened, he confronted the suspect who was still in the store and the man fled and got into the driver’s seat of a black Nissan Versa that was parked in the Verizon lot. The manager noticed that there was a pit bull in the back seat of the car.

At 6:30 pm on March 1 at Trader Joe’s a confused cashier gave a customer $41.03 change from a $50 bill. The crafty customer convinced the cashier that she had made an error and asked for his $50 back so that could start the transaction again. After she returned the bill, the customer fled the store with the bill and the change in his pocket. On March 2nd, a man stole some baked goods from the loading dock of Trader Joe’s. The goods were to be sent to a local food pantry. The man fled in a black Honda CRV.

At TJ Maxx on the evening of March 4, two Stamford, CT men were caught stealing a cell phone case and a belt. The surveillance camera caught them cutting the tags off the items. They were arrested for larceny and possession of burglar tools.

On March 7 Michael Bonetti of Wilson Street Hartsdale reported that $7,900 had been withdrawn from his Chase accountgreenburghpolicewithout his authorization. The withdrawals began after he used an ATM Machine at Apple Farm on Route 119 on February 24. All of the withdrawals were made using his PIN number.

Disputes: On the night of 3/1 a 24 year-old woman who lives at Shaw Place in Hartsdale got into a fight with her brother and he kicked in the door to her room and broke the lock.

A Central Avenue woman received a threatening phone call from a former colleague at work who was terminated from her job. On March 5th she received a call from the disgruntled woman who instructed her to “look over her shoulder when she leaves work because (she) will be waiting for her.”

Damage: The owner of Mom and Pop’s Cigars at 119 South Central Avenue reported that someone had thrown acid on his 2011 Chevy Malibu when it was parked at the store on March 1. The liquid damaged the paint job on the car.

Predator: On Joyce Road in Hartsdale a little girl was approached by a man as she got off the school bus on the afternoon of March 3rd. The man asked her if she wanted a lollipop. She ran into her backyard to get away.