Police Report - Downed Trees, Wires, Thefts and More
- Wednesday, 03 March 2010 21:40
- Last Updated: Friday, 05 March 2010 15:50
- Published: Wednesday, 03 March 2010 21:40
- Hits: 6852
Snow: A Brambach Road women came to police headquarters on 2/24 to complain that kids at Scarsdale High School threw ice and snow at her 2010 Mercedes while she was at the school on 2/23 and 2/24. The woman and her husband confronted the boys who they believed to be the culprits and the boys in turn came to the police station to claim that they had been harassed.
While clearing snow on Aspen Road on February 26th Highway Department employee Keven Gannon was hit by snowballs thrown by four boys. The snow hit the driver and his truck and since his window was open one of the snowballs struck the driver in the face. After they hit the driver they fled. The boys had been shoveling snow at 20 Aspen Road but the homeowner did not know their names. The driver was not injured.
Also on 2/26 kids sledding at the high school threw snowballs at a passerby who did not wish to identify himself.
On Saturday 2/27, a caller from Sprague Road spotted a Hyundai full of kids who were driving around the neighborhood and stopping to knock down snowmen on resident’s lawns.
Death: Mr. Edmund Newman of Harvest Drive passed away during the nigh on February 22nd. The death was reported by his wife, Dr. Frances Fiorillo when she was unable to wake him in the morning.
Lost Credit Card: On 2/23 a Circle Road woman reported that she lost her debt card on 2/18 and it had been used several times without her permission. She noticed unauthorized charges and came to police to file a report.
Burglary: A Lebanon Road family returned from vacation on 2/23 and found that their home had been entered through the rear basement door, which had been pried open. The only item they noticed missing was a iMac computer valued at $1,200.
A Jefferson Road home was entered and tossed while the owners were out of town. The mother of the victims went by to check the house on 2/22 and found that someone had entered the home through the back door and taken an apple computer valued at $2,500.
A Brite Avenue mom reported that her son’s Breitling Aerospace watch, valued at $1,500 had been taken from their home sometime between February 21st and 24th . No other items were missing from the house.
Ross Road residents reported the theft of antique stone lawn ornaments weighing 25 to 30 pounds each and valued at $800 from their lawn on 2/23 or 2/24.
The Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps treated a 2-year old with a head injury on Wellhouse Lane on 2/27.
Car Trouble: A Harwood Court resident called police for help early on the morning of 2/24 when she locked her keys in the car with the motor running. The car was in front of Starbucks in Scarsdale Village. Police called the Heathcote Gulf station to assist her with getting back into the car.
At 11 in the morning a 2007 Lexus got stuck on Crane Road and could not get up the hill. The Scarsdale Fire Department called a tow truck to assist the driver and after the car was towed they salted that area of the road.
On the evening of 2/25 a police car going south on the Post Road with the emergency lights on was hit by a car going east on Crane Road approaching the Post Road.
A car slid off the road into the bushes at Fenway Golf Club on Secor Road at 2:20 in the afternoon on 2/26 . The driver called police for help. Not an hour later another car slid into a snow bank at the intersection of Mamaroneck Road and Catherine Road and had to be towed.
A White Plains resident, driving a 1997 Ford on Saxon Woods Road slid off the road and ended up on the front lawn of 177 Saxon Woods Road. Due to the snow it could not be determined if any damage had been done to the property.
David Johnson Tanner of Eastchester was stopped by police on the afternoon of 2/28 and found to be an unlicensed driver who was driving an unregistered car without insurance. The driver received a summons and the rear license plate was removed from the car that was towed to the owner’s home.
Dispute: A Park Road man returned home on the afternoon of 2/27 to find men cutting a tree in his driveway … however these were not contractors he had hired. The family’s 15 year-old daughter was at home waiting for the contractors when two unknown men showed up at the door. Thinking they were the men her father had called she told them to proceed.
When her father returned he asked the men to leave the property and were advised that they would not be paid.
The balance of this past week’s police report was a virtual chronology of the effects of the winter storm on trees, streets and homes. Police responded to over 70 reports of fallen trees and wires.
Details of each incident are too lengthy to list, but here is a recap of the locations where trees and power lines were down:
Thursday February 25th:
2 Barry Road, tree branch down in roadway
3 Olmstead Road, cable wires down in driveway
24 Ogden Road, large tree limb down blocking Ogden Road
980 Post Road at Ferncliff Road, tree branches on wires
9 Stratton Road , wires on fire
157-159 Brite Avenue, low hanging wires blocking driveway
244 Mamaroneck Road, large tree fallen in road
55 Graham Road, Verizon wires down
180 Brewster Road, power line down
54 Secor Road, large tree limb resting on phone wires
18 Rodney Road, large tree and wires down
209 Brewster Road – trees down blocking roadway
50 Claremont Road – neighbors tree fell on car
310 Boulevard – wires down
Spruce Lane - large village owned tree leaning on wires
Friday February 26th
60 Brambach Avenue – car stuck in snow bank
139 Brite Avenue – wires on the road
9 Huntington Avenue – trees leaning on power lines
2 Hickory Lane – possible fire
37 Stonehouse Road – Sparks seen and a loud bang heard
14 Ridgecrest East – low hanging wires
153 Brewster Road – Wires down
16 Taunton Road – tree fell on car
1185 Post Road – tree fallen on wires
201 Brewster Road – large tree fell on roof of house
175 Brewster Road – wires tangled in trees – no power
18 Montrose Road –trees and wires down
8 Donellan Road – trees and wires down
175 White Road – tree and wires down
125 Mamaroneck Road – low hanging wires
Farley Road closed from Brewster to Valley Roads due to fallen tree
29 Lawrence Road – wires down
7 Carman Road – wires down
170 Boulevard – wires down in area
26 Hampton Road – telephone wire down on lawn
29 Ferncliff Road –Pine tree and wires down
5 Corell Road –low hanging wires
127 Brewster Road –large tree blocking road – wires down
118 Brewster Road – cable wire down
42 Claremont – sparking wires
1070 Post Road – wire down
54 Park Road – large tree down – blocking street
31 Marjory Lane, wire down on lawn and car
1201 Post Road, wires down across the street
46 Paddington Road, Cablevision wire down
28 Kent Road, wires leaning
103 Walworth, neighbor’s tree fell and damaged fence
40 Sage Terrace, fallen tree
26 Hampton Road, phone wire down
Heathcote Bypass, low hanging tree branches
203 Fox Meadow Road, low hanging wires
259 Heathcote Road, tree blocking Heathcote Road near the Scarsdale Medical Center
10 Paddington Road, power and cable lines down
226 Cushman Road, power lines on fire
50 Sheldrake Road, tree leaning on wires
91 Brite Avenue, wires down in road
15 Brayton Road, wires down in road
80 Huntington Avenue, wires down
Saturday February 27th:
1201 Post Road, wire on front walkway
111 Garden Road, tree limb blocking road
2 Oakwood Place, large tree limb blocking roadway
8 Tory Lane, wires in roadway
175 Brewster Road, downed power lines in driveway
142 Boulevard, tree blocking street
105 Cushman Road, wires down
Sunday February 28th
83 Cushman Road, sparking wires
10 Overhill Road, large tree branch on wires
35 Sage Terrace, branches on wires
163 Boulevard, downed cable wire
Monday March 1st
28 Huntington Avenue, wires in snow