Thursday, Mar 13th

SBNC Asks for Public Feedback on Proposed Amendments to Resolution

shscupolacopyThe Joint Committee of the School Board Nominating Committee is proposing several amendments to its Resolution, the governing document of the Scarsdale non-partisan school board nomination process. According to Jordan Copeland, Committee Chair, “the Resolution was last revised six years ago, so many changes are long overdue and will improve the functioning of the SBNC.” The committee is soliciting public comments on these changes.

The changes include the following:

-Altering the structure of the Administrative and Joint Committees

-Permitting a smaller, “greener” election mailer which refers voters to more detailed information online

-Allowing all Nominating Committee members to serve full three year terms

-Allowing Nominating Committee members who move within Scarsdale to complete their terms

-Allowing the Nominating Committee to ask individualized or follow up questions to Board of Education candidates

-Changing the Administrative term length of SNAP and Scarsdale Forum / TVCC nominees to two years.

Copies of the proposed amendments and a markup of the Resolution can be found on the SBNC website at, at Village Hall, and at the Scarsdale Public Library Annex.

Public feedback on these proposed changes is requested. Members of the community may comment by attending a public meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at 7:45pm at Scarsdale High School, Rooms 170-172, and by emailing chair Jordan Copeland at [email protected] by December 13, 2019.

The public vote on the Resolution amendments, as well as the election of SBNC candidates, will be held on January 14, 2020 from 7am to 9pm at Scarsdale Middle School or by mail-in ballot.

The members of the Joint Committee are Miriam Beveridge, Felicia Block, Colleen Brown, Michael Chayes, Jordan Copeland, Wendy Gendel, Liz Guggenheimer, Sang Han, Sharon Higgins, Stacey Kaufman, Amy Lewis, Manos Makrakis, Elizabeth Massey, Tanya Singer, and Susanne Vleck.

Public and Media Contact: Jordan Copeland, Chair, Joint Committee, by email [email protected].