Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale Village Government: Looking for New Committee Members

HarwoodBuildingThe following was submitted by the Scarsdale Village Advisory Council on Communications

Scarsdale is a special community full of accomplished and hardworking residents who engage and participate in every arena, giving generously of their time and expertise. While the Village has an exceptional professional team in place, the local government simply could not run at its current exemplary level without the dedication and engagement of Scarsdale residents. If you’ve ever wondered about the “how” and “why” of decisions made by the Trustees, or a particular Village board, or pondered the best way to contribute to making sure things run smoothly in our Village, please consider getting involved. If you become a member of a Village board or council, you will have a tangible impact on maintaining, and even improving, the quality of life for all.

Scarsdale has a vaunted, decades-long tradition of volunteerism and civic engagement. Resident volunteers continually have an enormously positive effect on the spirit and on the seamless operation of our community, and boards and councils are a much bigger part of that high level of success than many people realize. If you are interested in following this worthwhile example and taking an active role in our local government–beyond the (undeniably important) public comment sessions of board meetings and public hearings–here is your chance.

Each spring, the Scarsdale Board of Trustees’ Personnel Committee invites all residents to apply to lend their voices, training, and skills to help shape, preserve and adjust myriad aspects of this wonderful community. Village staff and Trustees rely on insight and recommendations from resident volunteers with relevant experience and skills; community input is a key component of what makes government effective, responsive, and inclusive, whether it be problem-solving, addressing current needs, expanding successful programs, or preparing for what lies ahead. In fact, we can all be proud of how Scarsdale has managed the recent and ongoing challenges of the pandemic, thanks in no small part to this inclusive system.

So please consider joining us. Want to improve how the Village communicates with its residents? Apply to the Advisory Council on Communications. Think the Village should be doing more to engage kids? Raise your hand for the Advisory Council on Youth. Want to help make responsible zoning decisions while considering the character and feel of neighborhoods? The Zoning Board of Appeals or the Board of Architectural Review may be a good fit.

What’s Right for You?

There are advisory boards and decision-making boards. Please check out this page online in order to find the descriptions of each volunteer board and council, including duties, time commitments, frequency of meetings. Residents can learn more about eligibility, and access the application here. While the number of open spots fluctuates, there is something for everyone over the course of time, depending on availability, experience and interests.

Here’s how the process generally works: When people apply, they are asked to select their top three choices for service. Members of the Scarsdale Board of Trustees will then reach out to applicants to gauge their level of interest, learn more about their particular skill sets, and answer any questions. While most positions are filled in the spring, the process does occur on a rolling basis if openings become available throughout the year. Feel free to reach out to Trustee Brew ([email protected]) or Trustee Whitestone ([email protected]) with any questions as well. Your many neighbors who have participated will tell you: Just do it! You won’t regret it!