Friday, Mar 14th

More Drinking, A Fight and a Shoplifter, from the Greenburgh Police

keyDrunk driver: At 2:26 am on 7/8 Greenburgh Police responded to an accident on Rockledge Road in Hartsdale. They found a 2009 black Honda Accord with heavy damage to the front of the car. A man was leaning into the car to remove the keys and an airbag had been deployed. Police spoke to the man who identified himself as Jeffrey Strauss and admitted to being the driver. He said “I was going to fast around the bend to get the parking spot and just lost control.” Strauss appeared to be drunk and stumbled when he walked. He failed sobriety tests, was arrested and found to have a BAC of .16%.

Underage drinkers: Two 19 year-old Scarsdale boys were stopped in the parking lot of 763 South Central Avenue at 8:20 pm on 7/7. Both were found to be carrying Four Loko, an alcoholic beverage. They were charged with unlawful possession and released.

Fight: Police were called to Colony Drive in Hartsdale on the afternoon of July 5th to intervene in a dispute between 19 year-old policeCoty Everly and Priscilla Hamilton, age 20 of Hartsdale. The two were fighting about money when Hamilton scratched the trunk of Everly’s 2009 Honda Accord. Hamilton claims that Everly kicked and scratched her. Neither party wished to pursue charges.

Disputes: A Hartsdale man, who was missing a trailer since January, 2011, spotted the trailer in the driveway of his ex brother-in-law in White Plains on July 5th. He got in touch with the man who was unwilling to return the trailer. Police also saw the trailer and attempted to contact the brother-in-law about returning it but they were unable to reach him.

Thefts: The manager of Panera Bread had her cell phone stolen while she was at work on July 7th. She placed it in a secure place but when she returned her iPhone was gone.

A White Plains man had his bike stolen from the Hartsdale Train Station where he had locked it on the morning of July 7th. When he returned for the bike at 7:30 pm the $400 mountain bike was gone.

Christian Vidal, age 33 of Whitestone New York was caught shoplifting at Best Buy on Central Avenue on the evening of June 9th. Vidal came to the store with a media storage box that the store security office marked paid. He then returned the media box and put the “Paid” pink sticker on a set of speakers. When he attempted to leave the store without paying for the speakers, store security detained him and he was arrested.