Scarsdale Police: A Stolen Car, an Ungrateful Solicitor and more Break-ins
- Monday, 12 December 2011 18:34
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 December 2011 21:22
- Published: Monday, 12 December 2011 18:34
- Hits: 7688
A 2012 Acura was stolen out of a Catherine Road driveway shortly after midnight on 12/8. It was raining hard that night and the homeowner heard the car’s engine start and saw it being pulled out of his driveway. The car had been unlocked at the time and the key was inside the car. The car has keyless technology and can be started without placing a key in the ignition. The car is valued at $40,000. Two days later, at 2:40 pm on 12/10, White Plains police found the car in White Plains and contacted Scarsdale Police who told the owner to pick it up.
A Brite Avenue home was vandalized around 4:30 pm on 12/9. The homeowner was upstairs and heard voices in her backyard. A short time later she head a loud crash in her living room. She went downstairs to investigate and saw that two sliding glass doors to her living room had been broken. There was a rock on the living room floor which appeared to have been thrown through the glass.
Also on 12/9, a Secor Road woman returned home at 5:19 pm and found a back window open. Thieves had entered the home, tossed the bedrooms and attic and stolen jewelry. The back window had been unlocked and though the house is alarmed, it was not on at the time. Earlier in the day an exterminator had been at the house.
Around 8 pm on 12/10, a Hampton Road man returned home and found that someone had thrown a brick through his living room window. Two leaded windows were broken, and a brick, a large stone and broken glass were found on the living room floor. It appeared that the brick we taken from the house next door.
Fooled: A benevolent Fox Meadow resident was duped by a solicitor on December 8th. A young man from the New York Youth Club appeared at a Brite Avenue door on the night of December 8th soliciting for donations. The homeowner invited the young man inside for a hot beverage and dinner. He gave the young man a $10 donation from his wife’s wallet and put the wallet back in her purse. After dinner the solicitor excused himself to use the bathroom and the homeowner noticed that his wife’s purse was open and that her wallet was gone. He confronted the solicitor who denied taking the wallet and left the house.
The homeowner called police who found the wallet in an umbrella stand in the bathroom . Two $20 bills were missing. Police then patrolled the area and found the youth. They took him back to the house and the resident positively identified him as the young man who was in his home. The youth’s supervisor came to collect him and returned the funds.
At 9:30 that night, police got a call from a Popham Road home regarding a solicitor from the NY Youth Club in front of their home. It should also be noted, that the NY Youth Club was soliciting in Edgemont and Hartsdale last week and there were several reports to the police regarding their conduct.
On 12/5, Overlook Road residents realized that more items were missing since they originally reported a larceny in November. Stolen were a $5,000 pair of diamond studs and another pair of moonstone earrings, valued at $1,470.
On 12/9, a Mamaroneck Road woman reported that someone took her Dell laptop from her home without her permission. Though there were no signs of forced entry to her home, a sliding rear door may have been left unlocked.
Pedestrians Hit: A driver from Hawthorne hit a 14 year-old girl who was walking across Crane Road on the morning of 12/5. The girl claimed she looked both ways before crossing – but the driver says the girl failed to look east and was struck. The girl refused medical attention and was not taken to the hospital.
In addition, a Plymouth, Mass woman, driving on Church Lane struck a Garth Road woman who was crossing the street. SVAC was called but the pedestrian refused medical attention.
Crash: There was a head-on collision on Garden Road at 9:15 am on Saturday morning. Ann Marie Trabucco, age 51 from White Plains was driving south on Garden Road in an Audi and ran head on into 81 year-old Roger Seti of Hartsdale, who was driving a Chrysler Concorde north on Garden Road. The impact of the collision flipped the Audi over –and it rolled back over onto the wheels. Seti was trapped inside his car and police used the jaws of life to remove him from the car. Air bags were deployed in both vehicles and Garden Road was closed until 4 pm, while the Westchester County Police Accident Investigation Unit conducted an investigation. Both drivers claimed that the other driver crossed the yellow line into their lane and one driver was seriously injured.
Locked Out: On the afternoon of 12/5, a woman from Brewster, NY got locked out of her car when it was parked on Sage Terrace. She had locked the keys inside the car. Police told her to call AAA.
Web Surfing: On the night of 12/5, an Overhill Road dentist accessed his computer system at his home and noticed that someone was online in his office. The dentist went back to his office and found an employee of the cleaning service using the office computer to view pornographic websites. He confronted the offender who works for One Solution Service and the man admitted to using the computer. The dentist called police to file a report but did not wish to press charges.
Identity Thefts: A Murray Hill Road man reported that an unauthorized person used his 75 year-old mother’s identity to withdraw $1,000 from her bank account on 12/7.
A Madison Road woman reported that five checks, valued at $490 were forged and cashed from her account. The woman lost one signed check and someone used it to create four forged copies.
Fights: Police were called to Bell Road on the afternoon of 12/8 regarding a report of assault. The victim claimed that he had a dispute about money with someone he previously knews. The incident is under investigation.
An Innes Road man came to police headquarters at noon on 12/11 to report a verbal confrontation with a woman in the Balducci’s parking lot. He said that the woman has been calling him and wife over the past year and wants her to stop. He asked police to call the woman and she agreed to leave them alone.
Egged: A Beechwood Lane home was egged on the night of 12/8. Also, at 5:30 pm on 12/9 a Brewster Road man returned home from work and found that the front of his house had been egged. He thought some kids in the neighborhood might be responsible.
Injured deer: At 7 pm on 12/9 police got several calls about an injured deer on Mamaroneck Road near Crossway. Police found the deer and determined that both of the deer’s front legs were broken. They decided that the deer needed to be shot, cleared the road and killed it.
Dezba Asset Recovery repossessed a 2006 Mazda from 11 Hutchinson Avenue at 6:36 am on 12/10.
Family Matters: A divorced father asked police for assistance on the afternoon of 12/10 with gaining access to his four children. He came to Scarsdale to pick up his kids, however his ex-wife was out of the country and relatives were caring for the children. He was concerned that the relatives would not permit him to take the children out. The grandmother told police that the man had a suspended driver’s license. Police found that both the man’s license and registration were suspended and told him that he could not drive. Police took the man’s license plates from the car and the man called a taxi to transport him and the children to his home in Mt. Vernon.