Friday, Mar 14th

Emily Hirsch Turns 95

ehirsch1Our beloved “Sweet Lady,” officially turned 95 years young on Friday, June 15th, and I was there to share in the celebration. And, oh boy, what a celebration. Friends, family, residents, and fellow local proprietors came out in full force to show their love, respect and admiration for one of our town’s treasures. There really is no one like her.

Emily’s son, Jeff Brown, a retired attorney, says, “She’s just a terrific person, who has always been there guiding me throughout my life.”

Hirsch and son Jeff Brown


Jill Lefkowitz, one of Emily’s granddaughters, added, “She’s also a great role model with a pretty remarkable work ethic.” That’s for sure!

After chitchatting with Emily’s family for a bit, I had one burning question that I needed answered. So, I turned to Emily’s son Jeff, and asked, with resolute determination, “I see your Mom driving, almost every morning, a pretty old Mercedes, and I’m dying to know…what year is it? And, how does she see over the steering-wheel?”

Jeff smiled and gave a little laugh, as he answered, “It’s an ’84 Mercedes and she adds two cushions to the driver’s seat for some added height.”

Hmmm. The mystery has been solved.

ehirschcakeThe nicest thing about Emily’s birthday bash was the community outpouring of love and affection that went into it. La Renaissance made a beautiful cake, Starbucks donated the coffee, Scarsdale Art and Frame provided a gorgeously framed birthday card and Chamber of Commerce commendation, and Lange’s supplied the outdoor venue and food.

Bonnie Ernst, a friend from Scarsdale Child’s Play for 31 years, was there to enjoy the festivities. She informed me that Emily recently signed a two-year lease to remain in her current space. Yay.

The party also drew Dr. Rosen from Scarsdale Eye Gallery, Michelle from La Dentelliere, and a group from Accent

Commendation from the Chamber


Tony from “Lange’s” and Emily’s good friend, Ann Jackler, a local psychotherapist in town, joined forces to throw

Hirsch with Ann and Tony
Emily one heck of a party. Like many Scarsdalians, Ann met Emily as she was buying cards, some ten years ago, and they formed a strong bond ever since. Ann told me, “After 95 years of living and 45 years of service to Scarsdale, Emily deserves to be acknowledged…too often we want to ignore our birthdays, and this is a reminder to celebrate them.”

I asked one of Emily’s granddaughters, Jill, “Have you been surprised at how beloved your Grandmother is?”

Her answer, quite simply, “Not really.”

Hirsch and Mrs. Miller
However, the most significant moment of the morning’s celebration came when one of Emily’s longtime loyal customers, Mrs. Miller, came over to give a hug and her good wishes. And, then she reached into her bag, handed Emily Hirsch an envelope, and said “A birthday card for the Card Lady!”

Happy Birthday, Emily!


Photos courtesy of Karen Baranick and Sharon Lippmann

Contributor Sharon Lippmann, writes about her "so called suburban life" as a proud resident of Scarsdale, NY. She is a writer, blogger, mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and one sassy chick. She loves exploring the interesting, strange, perplexing, vexing, ridiculous and funny that life offers up frequently. Enjoying more of what she has to say about nothing, and, well, everything at .