Friday, Mar 14th

Jewish Film Festival Starts on April 8 at Jacob Burns Film Center

112-weddings-documentaryTickets are now on sale for The Westchester Jewish Film Festival at The Jacob Burns Film Center which will run from April 8th - 30th and feature an extraordinary crop of moving, humorous and enlightening films from all over the world, plus discussions, special guests, receptions and live music. You'll find the full listing at Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

Here are recommendations for films you may like to see and programs to attend from Karen Goodman, a former Scarsdale resident who selected the movies and programs for the festival.

She found a group of films at this year's Toronto International Film Festival including several historical dramas: Phoenix, the opening night selection which is a stunning post-war drama about mistaken identity from Germany, and the unexpected break out hit from the Netherlands Secrets of War, along with Israeli films including the riveting courtroom drama Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem with Ronit Elkabetz, and the courageous dark comedy The Farewell Party. Another one of her personal favorites is Felix & Meira, a tender drama about an unhappy Hasidic wife featuring young actress from last year's hit Fill The Void.

The festival includes some documentaries that highlight the broad history and legacy of Jews and the entertainment industry, some with live musical performances: Forbidden Films, the chilling chronicle of film making under the Nazi regime, The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films, which chronicles the rise and fall of moguls Menachem Golan and Yoram Globus, Theodore Bikel: In The Shoes of Sholem Alechem which will be presented with a live concert from The Aaron Alexander Klezmer Trio, and finally The Outrageous Sophie Tucker, a delightful look back at the iconic stage and screen star dubbed 'Last of the Red Hot Mamas' for which they have arranged to welcome the cabaret performer and renowned impressionist Christine Pedi to share Tucker's musical legacy and milieu.

Scarsdale residents may be interested in seeing 112 Weddings which will include a session with WRT's Rabbi Blake who is in the film. The new Ben's Deli on Central Avenue in Scarsdale will sponsor a Community Night reception with the film Deli Man.

Also on the program are Lloyd Handwerker with his unique documentary Famous Nathan about his grandfather's legendary Coney Island empire, and veteran actor Mark Blum who gives a spot-on performance in the quintessentially New York comedy Blumenthal. And finally, the iconic Israeli singer/songwriter David Broza will be speaking and performing on closing night after East Jerusalem/ West Jerusalem which highlights his music and peace initiatives in the Middle East.

All of the events and many films sell out quickly, so reserve your tickets today.