Thursday, Mar 20th

Leaf Mulching Demo, Vacancy on the CHP and Review of Bond Referendum

mapleleafHere are some upcoming community events on the calendar:
Leaf Mulching Demonstrations:
Two free leaf mulching demonstrations will be held this Saturday 11/15 and Sunday 11/16 at 3:00 pm in Chase Park. Residents and landscapers are encouraged to attend these demonstrations to learn how easy and beneficial it is to mulch in place. There also will be a free raffle for landscapers at each demo where the prize will be a fully installed top of the line mulching system.

Vacancy on Committee for Historic Preservation:
The Personnel Committee of the Village Board of Trustees has announced a vacancy on the Committee for Historic Preservation (CHP). The Committee determines if a structure located in the Village for which a permit for demolition has been requested is a structure of substantial historical importance.

A background in historic preservation, architecture or architectural design is preferred. The committee meets monthly, 11 of 12 months per year.

All interested residents may apply online at the Village website,, under "Village News, Volunteers Needed for Boards and Councils" or submit their resume directly to the attention of the Personnel Committee Chair, Trustee Thomas Martin, Scarsdale Village Hall, 1001 Post Road, Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583. For further information contact the Village Clerk's office at 914-722-1175.

League of Women Voters to Discuss Bond Referendum:
On Monday, November 17, 2014, at 10:30 AM, the LWVS will hold a general membership meeting at Scarsdale Village Hall, third floor, to discuss the proposed Scarsdale Schools $18.12M bond referendum. The community will be asked to vote on December 11, 2014 to authorize the Board of Education to borrow not more than $18.12M to construct improvements and alterations to the District's buildings. The general membership meeting is open to the public. A consensus meeting will be held immediately thereafter, at which League members will come to consensus on whether the League supports the bond proposition approved by the School Board at its Board meeting on October 6th. Only League members may participate in the consensus discussion. For more information, please contact Mary Beth Evans, [email protected].

Scarsdale Forum to Focus on Schools:
The Scarsdale Forum invites all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, whether or not they are members of the Forum, to attend a General Membership Meeting on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 8 PM in the Scott Room of the Scarsdale Library. Prior to the meeting, at 7:30 PM, a reception will be held to honor Scarsdale's PT Council. Both Mary Beth Gose, President of the Board of Education and Dr. Thomas Hagerman, Scarsdale's new Superintendent of Schools will be at the meeting and Dr. Hagerman will be speak about the state of the schools. Ample time will be set aside for questions and answers.

The forum encourages all Scarsdale residents to attend --whether they are parents of school-aged children or empty-nesters. For program and membership information, visit