Thursday, Mar 06th

Scarsdale Kids Take Initiative During Trying Times

colonialfair1Motoko and Ayaka Gueler dressed for Colonial Day - at homeThough the streets of Scarsdale are quiet, don’t be fooled. There’s lots going on inside. Scarsdale kids are busy learning for themselves and creating great resources to teach one another.

A fourth grader at Edgewood was disappointed about the cancellation of the annual colonial fair and encouraged parents and teachers to design a virtual fair on Zoom. The children made whirly gigs (a Colonial toy), played colonial Bingo and each shared information from his/her colonial research project. Many children wore their colonial costumes for the one-hour Zoom session for Mr. DeStefano’s and Mrs. Aberman’s 4th grade classes.

Gold Award Girl Scouts who are high school students in 11th and 12th grades are busy helping to keep younger troops engaged. Annabelle Donnelly is running a wonderful “Save the Bees” workshop which culminates in girls planting pots of flowers to attract bees and building a bee hotel for mason bees. Gillian Zitrin is running a “Destress through Art and Mindfulness.” workshop which includes yoga, making a “Stress-less box “and a homemade stress ball. Other workshops girls are running include: anti-bullying and a peek into the fashion industry. All of these are executed via Zoom.

And Rebecca Friedland, a fourth grader at Quaker Ridge School created a website called quarantine 4 kids filled with things to keep kids busy during these hard times.

freidlandRebecca Friedland has designed a website filled with fun activities to do during the quarantine.

Find her recipes to cook and projects and to make at She invites you to visit her website to get some great ideas about how to have fun during the quarantine.destressA stressless box designed by 4th grade Junior Girl Scout Sofia Clark during a workshop.

colonialzoomColonial Day celebration via Zoomcolonialfair2Adina Zitrin - a happy Colonial Day participant.