Fish Tales, Thefts and More from the Scarsdale Police
- Tuesday, 09 November 2010 11:55
- Last Updated: Thursday, 11 November 2010 16:12
- Published: Tuesday, 09 November 2010 11:55
- Hits: 5048
Koi Caper: Vernon Road residents reported that 20 Koi fish, valued at $3,000.00 were stolen from an artificial pond at their home. The resident’s found a fish net next to the pond that was apparently used to remove the fish from the pond. There are no suspects or witnesses.
Broken Glass: In the third burglary in as many weeks, there was a break-in at a Birchall Road home on Friday night November 5. The caretaker who lives at the home noticed that the phone line was illuminated and searched the house to find a phone that had been knocked off the receiver. He came upon a broken glass pane in a living room door as well as the dislodged the phone. At the time the man thought the glass had simply broken and he covered the hole with some artwork.
However, the next morning the caretaker found pry marks on the outside of the door and a hole large enough for someone to climb through to enter the house. Police suspect that it was a burglary attempt but it is unknown if entry was made or anything was stolen.
Identity Theft: An Aspen Road man came to police on 11/2 to report that three credit cards that had been delivered to his home were stolen. A total of $9,458.70 in purchases was made on the cards. The man had opened three new credit card accounts for himself, his wife and his daughter. When the cards failed to arrive, he contacted the bank and found out that the cards had been delivered by UPS on 10/25 and had subsequently been used to make numerous purchases.
Thefts: A leaf blower was stolen from a Scarsdale Village highway truck when it was parked in Scarsdale Village on 11/2. The leaf blower is valued at $500.
On November 1, a snowplow, valued at $4,800 was stolen from the parking lot of the Scarsdale Congregational Church at 1 Heathcote Road.
A Heathcote woman claimed that someone stole her $890 prescription glasses from her purse when she was shopping in Scarsdale Village on November 4th.
Fight: On the afternoon of November 1 a Greenacres man reported that someone was pushing and shoving another person at the bus stop at Post and Fenimore Roads. Police went out to investigate and found two disabled teens who were out for some exercise and play.
Sideswiped: A Chateaux Circle woman came to police headquarters on the morning of 11/2 to report that her car was sideswiped by a Bee Line Bus on Post Road in front of the high school.
Dispute: Greg Jahner from Wildlife Services in Brewster came to police to report that he was not paid for work he did for a Claremont Road family. The family called him to remove a bird from their family room signed a contract for the work and then gave Jahner a check for $322.00 for his services. However, the residents later cancelled the check, as they were not happy with the amount. Police advised Jahner that this is a civil matter.
Gas Leak: Scarsdale firefighters had to force their way into a Stonehouse Road home on 11/3 to stop a gas leak under the front lawn. The police and Con Edison were called as well.
Parking Advisory: Scarsdale Village Police want to advise residents about parking restrictions that are in force from November 1 to March 31. All overnight parking between 2 am and 6 am is prohibited and cars found on any Scarsdale streets between those hours will be ticketed.