Friday, Mar 14th

Police Report: Residents Experience Car Break-in and Missing People Found

opendoorSomeone broke the front passenger window of a Sage Terrace resident's car and stole the resident's purse May 2. The car was parked on the street for about 45 minutes, starting at 4:45 p.m., when the break-in and theft occurred.

A Ridgecrest West woman returned home and was sitting in her parked car with her son when a man shone a flashlight into the car in a possible attempt to enter the car at 10:45 p.m., May 2. The woman described the man as a slender, white man with blond, curly hair, approximately 5'8" to 5'10 " tall and wearing black clothing. He was seen carrying a black duffel bag. According to the woman, the man left her driveway as soon as he noticed her sitting inside the car.

Boys found
A boy reported as missing in Tuckahoe was found on Sprague Road by Scarsdale police May 5. He said he was walking home. The boy's mother was informed. She advised that her son was not in need of any medical attention and should walk home on his own.

On May 8, patrol came upon a disoriented youth in the middle of Post and Fenimore roads. Patrol activated the patrol car's emergency lights to alert motorists and escorted the youth out of the roadway. Through numerous attempts at communication, police determined the youth had special needs. Shortly thereafter, the youth's father came upon the scene. He said his son had wandered away from a party the family was attending on Cohawney Road. The father thanked police for assistance in locating his son.

Phone dials 911 when it rains
Police received a 911 call from a Beechwood Lane house May 3. They went to the house and checked it. They found an unlocked door and entered the house, calling out "Scarsdale police" three times. Finally, the homeowner answered. She said she had been in the shower and did not hear police. She said her phone accidentally dials 911 when it rains. She advised that this fact "should be in the police notes." Patrol informed her that police still need to follow up on every 911 call.

Identity theft
On May 6, a Cohawney Road woman reported her son's bank account was compromised while her son was studying abroad. Specifically, while the son was out of the country, someone withdrew $350 from his account at an ATM in Colorado.

Criminal mischief
A Taunton Road man's 2008 BMW was vandalized overnight May 2. Tires were flattened, and headlights were broken.

2016 Torch Run Group

A Palmer Avenue resident reported that two people parked a car near her driveway and crossed the street to a construction site at 6 a.m., May 3. Police questioned the people, who said they were looking for someone who lives on Palmer Avenue. They left a not for the person to call them.

Computer hack
On May 2, a Morris Lane resident's computer was hacked while the resident's father-in-law was using the computer. According to the police report, an online message popped onto the screen during the father-in-law's computer session. The message seemed to be from a company called "Tech Systems," and it requested a payment of $99.99 to "repair" a frozen screen. The father-in-law contacted the telephone number displayed on screen and provided his credit card number for payment. He also allowed the supposed technician remote access to work on the computer. Patrol confirmed it was a scam and advised the resident to check her personal data and accounts. These accounts were possibly compromised by information obtained by the scammer.

Welfare check
A woman was unable to reach a family friend in Edgewood, and she asked police to check on him May 4. Patrol went to the man's house, and everything appeared to be in order from the outside. A check of police records indicated there was a call about a man being in cardiac arrest at the same address at the end of April. That call probably concerned the same man the woman was attempting to check on.

On May 7, police checked the welfare of an Old Lyme Road resident at the request of a concerned caller. Patrol tried to contact the man several times but was unable to reach him. They canvassed the property, but did not locate the man either.

Open door
A Valley Road woman noticed a neighbor's front door was open and no one was home May 4. Police checked the house and confirmed everything was in good order. Police secured the door before leaving the house.

Bumper stickers
A Woods Lane woman reported a car covered with bumper stickers parked on her street all day May 5. She thought it was suspicious. Patrol checked the license plate information for the car and confirmed its registration was valid. The car was legally parked. The bumper stickers were investigated and determined to not be inappropriate or suspicious. Instead, as noted in the police log, they were supportive of the US military, NYPD and FDNY.

Cars and roadways
Patrol helped contact a tow for the driver of a car with a drained battery near Tompkins and Fenimore roads May 3.

Patrol put flares around a disabled car on Fenimore Road, while the driver waited for a tow, May 4.

On May 5, patrol issued a parking summons for a car parked within 15 feet of a Cohawney Road fire hydrant. Four summonses were issued to parked cars on Huntington Road May 5.

Three car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
Dell Road neighbors were arguing about the property line between their houses May 8. One neighbor had a survey indicating the property line was at a stonewall between the properties, but the other neighbor did not agree with the document. She was putting up posts and a string line to indicate where she felt the property line was located. Patrol advised her to consult with Village Hall to confirm where her property line ends. The neighbors were advised to stay away from the disputed property line in the meantime.

On May 2, a Sherbrooke Road woman reported seeing a coyote in her yard. She told police the animal was possibly injured.

A large dog was loose in the area of Post Road and Kathy Lane May 3. A nearby homeowner called police because she was afraid to pass by the dog and enter her house. Patrol picked up the dog and secured it in a police car. The dog's caretaker was contacted to take custody of the dog. The owner was issued a village code violation summons for having a dog at large.

After neighbors complained, patrol asked a Greenacres Avenue resident to lower the volume of birthday party music May 7.

Lost and found
A Penn Boulevard woman reported a lost license plate May 6. She discovered it only after receiving a violation summons for the missing license plate from New York City police.

A firefighter injured his thigh during a training exercise May 2. He was offered medical attention but declined. He continued his duties without limitation.

Firefighters helped Con Edison workers check a Heathcote Road house for possible gas migration related to a nearby leak May 3.

On May 3, a concerned electrician informed firefighters that two propane tanks were being stored beneath a Crawford Lane deck. Firefighters removed the propane tanks to the lowest part of the backyard. They advised the homeowner to contact a propane company for removal.

A heating pad caught fire in Sheldrake Road microwave May 6. The resident of the house extinguished the fire and removed the heating pad to the back patio. Firefighters ventilated the space and checked the area with thermal imaging devices to confirm there was no extension of the fire.

An oil burner malfunctioned in the basement of an East Parkway and Spencer Place building, and a fire was burning in the burner's firebox May 6. Firefighters evacuated the building, shut down the boiler and ventilated the space. They checked the structure for fire extension and carbon monoxide. They confirmed there was no carbon monoxide danger before allowing occupants back inside the building. Volunteers and police assisted.

A reported natural gas odor on Ridgecrest North was determined to a skunk odor May 7.

Steam coming from a storm drain at Popham and Chase roads was mistaken for smoke May 7. Firefighters determined it was not dangerous and traced the problem to hot water discharging into the drain system by an overflowing boiler fill pipe emptying into a sump pump pit in a nearby building. The person responsible for the building was informed.

Firefighters shut down a faulty hot air furnace that was emitting carbon monoxide in a Lyons Road house May 8. They ventilated the space and stood by for Con Edison.

A Sage Terrace grill caught fire on the terrace and self-extinguished May 8.

Firefighters confirmed the fire had not spread. They advised the homeowner to clean the grill and move it away from combustible house components.

This week, firefighters responded to six false fire alarm caused by device malfunction, an oil burner puff-back, an overheated computer at Quaker Ridge School and shower steam.

This report covering police and fire department information from May 2-8 was compiled from official information.

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