Friday, Mar 14th

Update: Police Recover Honda Involved in High-Speed Chase

Hyatt-Field(Updated August 4th) The Honda Civic involved in the police pursuit on 07/28 was located by Scarsdale Detectives the morning of the incident in the Bronx, as it was being reported stolen to the New York Police Department by its owner. The car was impounded by Scarsdale Police and towed back to Scarsdale where it was secured in the Police Impound. Scarsdale Detectives applied for and received a search warrant for the vehicle and recovered stolen property and forensic DNA evidence.

The investigation is ongoing, and Scarsdale detectives are working with several other police departments within Westchester County that also experienced criminal activity involving the same white Honda Civic involved in the Scarsdale pursuit.

(Original Report) Police observed an occupied 2000 white Honda Civic parked on Tunstall Road at 3:15 a.m., July 28. The driver was reclined all the way back in the driver's seat and was slumped down, as if to avoid being seen. Police passed the car, stopped and reversed in order to question the driver. The driver then sped away when patrol approached and repeatedly refused to yield to police instruction. A chase ensued, involving the Civic and several patrol cars. In an apparent effort to evade police, the driver of the Civic turned onto Madison Road, Carman Road and Nelson Road. The pursuit continued along several other streets in Edgewood and into Eastchester. Police noted the driver of the Civic drove across several lawns and through bushes on Tunstall Road. He also drove down the dead end street of Potter Road and proceeded to drive onto Hyatt Field, damaging playground equipment and grass. The Civic then plowed through wooden fencing onto Boulevard. It snapped chains and pulled fence stakes out of the ground. The Civic's headlights were off during the entire incident. Police noted the driver looked Hispanic, was possibly in his mid-20s, had short dark hair and was not wearing a shirt. He appeared to be the lone occupant of the car. Due to the driver's intention to flee patrol, police suspect the driver was involved in criminal activity. Area jurisdictions were notified for support. The pursuit was eventually called off when police lost the Civic in Eastchester. At 4 a.m., officers were investigating the area for other suspects or possible crimes related to the suspect and the pursuit. During the investigation, officers saw the Civic return to Tunstall Road with its lights off. An officer activated his patrol car's emergency lights and attempted to stop the Civic. Patrol followed the Civic down the dead end of Tunstall Road and saw the Civic parked on a Tunstall Road front lawn. Following police department procedure in a situation of "grave [officer] risk in confronting a fleeing, dangerous suspect likely engaged in criminal behavior," the officer got out of his patrol car, drew his service weapon and ordered the suspect to exit his vehicle. The suspect instead began to accelerate across front lawns. The officer got back inside his patrol car and followed the suspect until all police units lost sight of the Civic and the driver. The pursuit was called off. Police suspected the driver possibly returned to the area to pick up another suspect who might have been on foot. MTA police checked nearby train stations for a possible suspect, but no one was found. The Civic was later seen and pursued by Westchester County Police on the southbound Bronx River Parkway. WCPD terminated pursuit of the car in the Bronx. The last noted sighting of the fleeing Civic was on Webster Avenue in the Bronx. In addition to unlawfully fleeing a police officer, the driver could be charged with speeding, driving with equipment violations, driving recklessly, driving head-on at patrol cars, and criminal mischief related to property damage to Hyatt Field and Tunstall Road lawns and bushes. The Civic's license plate information indicated the car was registered to a person in the Bronx. Police are following up.

DWI Arrest
At 5 a.m., July 30, patrol arrested Derek Rodriguez, 35, of the Bronx, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol level of .18 or greater, speeding, and moving from a lane unsafely. The arrest was precipitated by a call from Westchester County police asking for help in locating Rodriquez's white BMW that had been seen driving erratically on the Hutchinson River Parkway. While canvassing Weaver Street, patrol saw the car speeding on Weaver Street, crossing the double yellow line and traveling into oncoming traffic in order to pass two cars. Police turned around to follow the car as it drove onto Hutchinson Avenue. Shortly thereafter, the car was observed on Herkimer Road. It was parked in front of a house, with Rodriquez slumped over the steering wheel. Rodriguez told patrol he had consumed several gin and tonic drinks in the Bronx at 8 p.m., the previous night. Rodriguez smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot, watery eyes. He failed field sobriety tests and was unable to correctly follow instructions about the tests. A pre-screening alco-sensor test revealed a blood alcohol reading of .214. A follow-up Datamaster test at Eastchester police department measured Rodriquez's blood alcohol level at .19. Rodriquez was arrested and released on an appearance ticket. He was ordered to appear in Scarsdale Village Justice Court August 3.

An Ardmore Road resident called police at 1 a.m., August 1, advising he just returned home from vacation and found the back door unlocked, his bedroom ransacked and his house burglarized. According to detectives, it appeared that the suspect entered the house through a kitchen window that had been pried open and left through either the front or back door. Both doors were found unlocked, but the resident said he had left them locked when he went away for the weekend at 7:30 p.m., July 29. The resident said his home security system was not working properly, and that was why he did not set the alarm before leaving. The resident said some of his wife's jewelry had been stolen. He was in the process of compiling a list and said he would provide it to police after consulting with his wife.

Car Break-Ins
On July 27, a Walworth Avenue man reported his wallet and headphones had been stolen from his car overnight. The wallet contained $150 cash, credit cards, a driver's license, a court identification card and various reward cards. All credit and debit cards have been cancelled.

Three Barry Road cars, owned by different residents, were entered sometime during the night of July 27 and the morning of July 28. Each of the residents said nothing was damaged, and nothing of value had been taken. A fourth Barry Road resident reported her unlocked car was entered overnight and two ties were stolen. The ties were new, with tags on them. They were in a box to be given as a gift. One tie was a Vineyard Vines tie with lobsters on it. The other tie was blue. Both ties, valued at $75 each, had been purchased from Nordstrom.

Additionally, a Mercer Court woman said her car was also entered overnight July 27. She confirmed nothing was damaged, and nothing of value had been taken.

Stolen Bike
A Carman Road resident's $1,000 blue and white Trek bicycle with a saddlebag was stolen from a bike rack on East Parkway and Christie Place July 29. The resident said he locked the bike to the rack at 8:40 a.m., took the train to work and returned to the Scarsdale train station at 7 p.m. At that time, the bike was already gone.

Identity Theft
On July 28, a Vanderbilt Road man said he received a call from a credit monitoring service alerting him to a recent credit card application that he did not make. On July 28, the man received a UPS package at his door. It contained an American Express credit card. The man inquired about the card and learned a person had used his personal information to fraudulently apply for the card. Later, an unknown man, alleging to be an employee of "Package Express," came to the Vanderbilt Road man's door, inquiring about a possible package that had been delivered in error. He was carrying a clipboard without any paper attached to it. Two other men were waiting in a parked white Infinity outside on the street while the alleged employee came to the door. The Vanderbilt Road man noted the car's license plate number and gave it to police for follow-up.

On July 29, a Tisdale Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent American Express account in her husband's name. She discovered it after she received a package containing an American Express credit card while her husband was traveling on business. The woman attempted to notify American Express but was told her husband would have to make the report.

On July 27, a village employee reported being harassed by a Scarsdale driver following a minor accident that occurred earlier that day. According to the accident report, the 2002 Chevrolet utility vehicle owned by the village was backing up and accidentally hit the Scarsdale driver's parked 2014 Jeep. The Jeep was parked on Scarsdale Avenue in front of a driveway. It was occupied by a 15-year-old passenger. Following the accident, the driver returned to the car and left the scene. Later the village employee reported harassment. The nature of the alleged harassment was not disclosed.

On July 28, a Dunkin Donuts store manager and district manager reported a male customer has been acting in a harassing manner by coming into the store, yelling at the manager and making derogatory comments about Dunkin Donuts employees in front of other patrons. During this interaction, the customer dialed 911 from his cell phone. The district manager witnessed the incident, offered the customer free food, and the customer left the store and boarded a train. The manager said the customer is a regular patron of the store. He allegedly enters the store approximately three times a week between 8-9 a.m. The customer said he was a doctor. According to the manager, the customer's behavior became disruptive at the beginning of 2016.

911 Calls
Police received several phone calls from a cognitively impaired man July 25. The man told police he received several emails while playing on his Playstation. The man claimed the emails stated the man was the President of the United States. Patrol contacted the man's mother, who said she was on her way home to address the issue. The same man called police at 1:15 p.m., July 31, reporting an alleged argument with his brother. Patrol went to the man's house and did not see any evidence of the brother. Patrol knocked on the door of the brother's room, but the brother was not there. Patrol contacted the man's mother who was at church. She said the man's brother had not been home since the previous night. She said she would address the issue with her son.

A caller reported an audible alarm coming from a Murray Hill Road construction site July 25. The noise was sourced to a discarded smoke detector in a pile of construction debris. Patrol disarmed the alarm.

Blood Pressure
Patrol received an SPD Care Alert from a Popham Road woman at 9 a.m., July 25. The woman inquired about getting her blood pressure checked; however, she did not want police or ambulance paramedics to respond to her address. She said she had an event to attend and would get her pressure checked once she arrived.

A caller reported a young Asian woman "going door to door, trying to find her friend's house" in the area of Corell Road and Thornwood Place after midnight July 28. The caller thought the woman might be lost and in need of assistance. Patrol found the woman and spoke with her. She said she returned from work in New York City and was locked out of her house. She said she was unable to call back Central Taxi because her cell phone had died. Patrol assisted her in contacting Central Taxi for a ride to a White Plains hotel for the night.

Patrol checked the welfare of a Lebanon Road resident and confirmed everything was in good order July 30.

At 1 a.m., Aug. 1, police helped a woman get to the Scarsdale train station. She said she had been hanging out with friends in White Plains and needed to get to Fordham, where her husband was waiting for her. She walked into headquarters, asking for help, without any personal property on her. She said she did not know where her property was. Before taking her to the train station, police called White Plains police to ascertain if anyone might be looking for the woman. White Plains police advised they did not have any information regarding the woman.

A caller reported she nearly fell in Christie Place garage because of a "hazardous spill" between two parking spaces July 28. Police found some oil on the ground, making the area slippery. Firefighters responded and placed Speedi-Dri on the oil to absorb it.

Civil Matters
On July 29, a Dickel Road resident called police advising he might have had a burglary or larceny at his house, on or around July 15. When police arrived at the house, the man said he wanted to dispute work that was performed at his house. No burglary or larceny was reported. The man said he asked a contractor to come out and estimate a roofing job. The man said, after the initial meeting, the contractor performed other work that was not authorized by the homeowner and then demanded payment. Patrol advised the man that this issue was a civil matter.

A Brambach Road homeowner reported a fired housekeeper was refusing to leave his house July 29. According to the homeowner, he fired the housekeeper because he was not satisfied with her services. She was paid in full for her last week of employment, but she was demanding another week's pay "because the homeowner had not given her advance notice." Patrol determined there was no written or verbal agreement regarding the conditions of the housekeeper's employment or her demand. Patrol advised the housekeeper she must leave the house and could follow up in civil court if necessary.

Pedestrian Hit
An 84-year-old Garth Road resident was struck by a car in a Popham Road crosswalk at 10 a.m., July 25. The car was driven by an 89-year-old Garth Road man who said he did not see the pedestrian in the crosswalk while making a right turn from Garth Road onto Popham Road. The driver said he could not remember if the traffic light was red or green, but he was making a legal right turn. The pedestrian was taken to the hospital for evaluation and treatment following the accident.

Cars and Roadways
On July 25, patrol issued a summons to the registered owner of a car parked on Shawnee Road – facing the wrong direction and three feet from the curb.

On July 25, police found a car with its rear driver's side door ajar, parked on Freightway Road. Patrol did not observe any signs of criminality and closed the door.

A Post Road resident said a gray SUV was parked in her driveway, and she wanted the car moved July 26. Patrol discovered the car belonged to a neighbor's babysitter who mistakenly parked the car in the wrong driveway. The car was promptly moved when police addressed the matter.

A truck driver requested police assistance after knocking down wires on Roosevelt Place July 26. Patrol determined the wires were telephone wires and contacted Verizon.

Police notified Con Edison about a branch hanging in electrical wires on Rural Drive July 26.

In order to improve traffic flow, cars parked on both sides of Cornell Street were relocated to one side of the street after police intervention July 26.

Con Edison was informed about a low-hanging wire on Madison Road July 28.

On July 28, a Montgomery Road man reported someone hit his parked car and left the scene. The accident damaged the car's front left quarter panel and headlamp. The man said he hoped the person who caused the accident would come forward and admit to the damage.

The highway department was called to cut a branch precariously hanging off a tree over Brite Avenue July 28. Police blocked off the area with caution tape in the meantime.

An unknown van allegedly parked in a Cooper Road driveway was using the driveway to turn around while searching for a house at which the driver was contracted for a power-washing job July 28.

Patrol directed traffic around a fallen tree limb on Post Road while waiting for the highway department to clear it July 29.

Police moved a fallen branch to the side of Post Road July 30.

A fallen branch damaged fencing at Hyatt Field on Boulevard July 31. The highway department was notified, and caution tape was used to secure the area.

A parked car was creating a hazard at Fox Meadow and Crane roads July 31. The driver moved the car at patrol's request.

A caller reported kids were moving construction barricades into the roadway of Crane Road, blocking both lanes, at 12:40 a.m., July 30. The kids were gone when patrol arrived. Patrol placed the barricades out of the way.

A Birchall Drive resident reported her housekeeper saw a possibly injured coyote across the street at least two or three times on July 25. The coyote was no longer in the area when patrol investigated. Patrol made a note to continue monitoring the area.

Village code
Patrol issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers on Stonehouse Road July 26, Wheelock Road July 27 and Tisdale Road July 30.

Police dispersed people from Brite Avenue tennis courts at 10 p.m., July 31.

Lost and Found
A passerby found prescription eyeglasses on Rock Creek Lane and brought them to headquarters July 27.

A woman lost her wallet on Harwood Court July 27. She was looking for it in the village when a passerby found it and gave it to a parking enforcement officer. The officer positively identified the woman as the owner of the wallet and returned it to her.

A Bell Road woman could not find her handbag inside her house July 28. With the help of her daughter, the handbag was later located.

Car Fire
While investigating the pursuit of a fleeing suspect in Edgewood around 5 a.m., July 28, patrol noticed smoke coming from beneath a 2010 Dodge Caliber parked on Madison Road. A view into the interior of the car revealed its interior filled with smoke. Firefighters responded and determined a can of linseed oil caused combustion of flammable cloth and bags of clothes near the oil can. Part of the backseat was charred. Firefighters did not suspect arson, nor did they feel the fire was in any way related to the criminal incident being investigated by police. Salvageable property was removed from the car, and a towing service took the car to an auto repair shop. The owner took pictures of the damage for insurance purposes. No criminal conduct was suspected.

On July 26, smoke outside a Church Lane house was traced to legal use of a fire pit.
On July 27, an Innes Road homeowner lit a grill for the first time, and it created excessive smoke. A call reported a possible working fire upon seeing the heavy smoke. Police and firefighters determined the smoke was from normal grill operation, and everything was deemed to be in good order.

Firefighters shut power to a smoking washing machine in a Fenimore Road house July 27. They advised the homeowner to replace it.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a leaking curb box on Mohican Trail July 28.

Lightning reportedly struck Heathcote Road house July 30. On scene, firefighters discovered an electrical service line running from the main building to an auxiliary building had arced and caught fire. It self-extinguished before firefighters arrived. Firefighters cut power to the compromised line and stood by for Con Edison.

This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in the village. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm and six false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, heat and smoke from a toaster oven, construction dust, and an accidental manual activation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 25 through the early morning hours of Aug. 1 has been compiled from official information.

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