Village Board Plans Big Improvements for Scarsdale in 2012-13
- Wednesday, 07 March 2012 22:06
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 07 March 2012 22:16
- Published: Wednesday, 07 March 2012 22:06
- Hits: 6288
Village Managers and Trustees held a public briefing session to review capital projects included in the 2012-13 budget on March 1. On February 28, the Trustees voted to override the tax cap to allow funding for needed projects such as flood remediation, sewer line and road repair and the renovation of Village buildings.
The proposed 2012-13 budget includes $10.2 million dollars for capital projects, up significantly from $7.4 million in the 2011-12 budget. This figure represents 21% of the entire Village budget of $48.9 million.
Many of the projects slated for 2012-13 were planned in response to feedback from residents who called for relief from flooding and backed up sewage lines and road repair. Here are some highlights of what's in store for Scarsdale next year:
Flooding and Sewers:
Work will be underway in April on the Fox Meadow storm water detention project, funded in the 2011-12 Village budget. Bids are now being evaluated and the Village reports that nine of the ten bids came in under the engineer’s estimate. George Field will become one of the largest wetlands areas in Westchester County and will be able to hold seven acres of water at a depth of one to three feet. A rain garden of native plants is planned for Cooper Green. Following a storm, the water will collect at George Field and be released in a controlled fashion from the dry pond, continuing down Cambridge Road to Cooper Green, then flowing down Fox Meadow Road to Harcourt Woods. This ambitious project is scheduled to be completed in the summer.
$365,000 has been allocated for additional storm drainage projects to clean pipes and televise the water flow, clean catch basins, line the pipes and maintain the watercourse.
At Winston Field, near Boulder Brook, work will be done to improve drainage so that the field can get more use.
The County announced $2,500,000 in funding for improvements along the Hutchinson River to allow the river to be widened and de-silted to alleviate flooding.
For Edgewood, there are funds allocated to fix sanitary sewer overflows
For Heathcote, there is $2.3 million for improvements of the drainage of the Sheldrake River Basin to alleviate flooding of Heathcote homes near Fenway Golf Course. Designs for the plan are now in process and the Village will also apply to FEMA for project funding.
Road Resurfacing:
After much discussion, $762,000 has been allocated to road resurfacing to fix about 2 miles of the Village’s 39 miles of roads. This level of funding is consistent with spending in the past few years and if additional funds become available, they will be added to the budget for roadwork.
The Davis Field park playground will be renovated.
The tennis courts at Scarsdale High School will be resurfaced.
The Village is hoping to get funding from the County to renovate the bathrooms at Crossway Field and install a turf field at Boulder Brook.
There are preliminary plans for enhancements at Chase Park in Scarsdale Village including turf maintenance, new plantings and additional seating.
$1,000,000 will be borrowed to fund the Village-wide tax revaluation. The last reval was done 44 years ago.
Fire Station Renovation:
Fire station #1, adjacent to Village Hall is in serious disrepair. Temporary jacks are holding up the building. The station will be renovated and the ceiling will be raised to accommodate the ladder truck. In addition, $193,000 will be spent to renovate the building at the recyclying center which will be used for training.
Freightway Garage:
The garage is over 30 years old and $30,000 will be spent to alleviate flooding in the elevator shaft and on other repairs.
There will be renovations to the plaza, teen area, new carpet in children’s room in addition to extensive roof work
Popham Road Bridge:
The widening of the Popham Road bridge to five lanes is expected to be completed at the end of 2012. The project is now delayed by 13 months and due to this delay additional costs have been incurred. The project is funded by federal and state grants and stimulus funds.
The next budget meeting is scheduled for March 13 at 6:55 at Village Hall. The tentative 2012-13 Scarsdale Village budget will be presented to the Village Trustees and residents are welcome to attend.