Thursday, Mar 20th

Candidates for Citizen's Nominating Committee Need Your Vote

scarsdalevillagehallThe 2013 elections of the the Citizens Nominating Committee will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. Residents may vote in person at the Scarsdale Village Hall on that date from 7:00 to 9:30 AM and from 2:00 to 9:00 PM, or by mail-in ballot before Election Day.

The 2013 candidates for each of the five voting districts are as follows:

1. Edgewood - Elissa Bookner, Charles Chesnut, Michael Stevens.
2. Fox Meadow - James Blum, Max Grudin, Joan Mazur Kapner, Christopher Morin.
3. Greenacres - John Baer, Michael Green, Barry Klayman, Maura Wogan.
4. Heathcote - Leonard Benowich, David Brodsky, Daniel Finger, Joel Frank.
5. Quaker Ridge - Diane Chesler, Julie Weinstein.

Booklets containing biographical information on each candidate, a mail-in ballot form and instructions for completing and returning them to the Scarsdale Procedure Committee are being sent this week to Scarsdale residents. Mail-in ballots will also be available from the website of the Scarsdale Procedure Committee at