Thursday, Mar 20th

SBNC Re-Nominates Klein and Yusuf for Scarsdale School Board

AmberYusufAmber YusufThe 2023 School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) has selected Amber Yusuf and Robert Klein for the 2023 non-partisan slate for election to the Scarsdale Board of Education. Ms. Yusuf and Mr. Klein were selected from a pool of dedicated candidates after a thorough vetting process. Ms. Yusuf and Mr. Klein both currently serve as members of the Board of Education, with Ms. Yusuf currently serving as President of the Board of Education. If elected during the school board election on May 16, 2023, Ms. Yusuf and Mr. Klein will become second-term school board members effective July 1, 2023.

During Ms. Yusuf and Mr. Klein’s tenure on the Board of Education, the Board has overseen many important initiatives, which directly support providing the best education for the students of the District. During their first terms, the Board has conducted an extensive superintendent search and hired a new superintendent, partnered with the Village Board to enhance cell service in and around school buildings, expanded opportunities for community engagement and increased transparency with the community, focused on oversight and governance controls within the district, adopted a new policy to support equity, inclusivity and diversity, and conducted many other matters of the district during Board Meetings and through their liaison assignments with community organizations.

"I am deeply honored to receive the nomination from the SBNC to serve as a candidate for the Board of Education. I thank the SBNC Committee and Chair and Vice Chair for all of their hard work during this process. I appreciate being nominated by the SBNC to serve our community for a second term,“ noted Ms. Yusuf.

Ms. Yusuf's professional experience is focused on the world of technology and consulting. She is currently a Director of Service Delivery for The Acceleration Project, a nonprofit that is focused on creating a more equitable economy by delivering high-caliber and impactful services to under-resourced small businesses. Ms. Yusuf holds an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BS in electrical engineering from Washington University in St. Louis. Ms. Yusuf and her husband, Inder Grewal, have two sons at Scarsdale High School.

Mr. Klein said, "While the past three years have been challenging, I am even more committed to building on the strength of our team of board members and new superintendent, Dr. Patrick. Public education is a building block for creating a democracy that supports all our constituents and launches our children as engaged and productive members of society. I am honored to be given the privilege of SBNC nomination to represent the Scarsdale community in this important role as Board Trustee. "

Mr. Klein is an architect and strategic facilities planner as well as an active board member and volunteer for a variety of national and community organizations. He is a founding board member of Neighbors for Refugees, a Westchester non-profit and resettlement organization, and also serves on the board of the Clay Arts Center, based in Port Chester. He is a licensed architect in both the United Kingdom, where he lived and worked for five years, as well as New York State. Mr. Klein has lived in Scarsdale for 38 years with his wife Jane, and both of their children are alumni of Scarsdale High School.Bob KleinBob Klein

The SBNC congratulates Ms. Yusuf and Mr. Klein on their nomination and thanks all applicants who went through the nominating process. The SBNC began their work in January, engaging in extensive candidate outreach. The committee then conducted extensive vetting and due diligence of the candidates, including presentations, interview questions with the candidates, and extensive reference checks. While the discussions, deliberations, and references are kept confidential, the SBNC carefully researched and considered the background, experience, and qualifications of each candidate. Candidates are selected solely on their qualifications to serve the community, and not on their campaigning abilities or positions on specific issues.

“We thank the SBNC, all applicants, and the Scarsdale community for their commitment to the Scarsdale school system and educational excellence,” noted Jon Lemle, Chair of the SBNC, and Deborah Skolnik, Vice Chair.

Voters in the School District are encouraged to vote on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 in the Scarsdale Middle School Auditorium. In addition to voting for two School Board seats, District voters will also be voting on a proposed School District Budget for the 2023-24 school year, and, it is expected on a proposed High School Auditorium bond.

For more information on the SBNC, please visit our website at or contact the SBNC Chair.