Thursday, Mar 20th

Developer Dupes Village

saxonwoodshouseHere is a letter from Richard Hanna of Saxon Woods Road about the construction of a house on a neighboring lot: To the Editor: These days it seems anyone can buy, demolish and build a house for sale in Scarsdale despite the Village insistence that they discourage developers from doing just that. A case in point is 140 Saxon Woods Road. For months in 2011 the Village Board of Appeals, the Board of Architectural Review and the Building Department all agreed to the variances and requests from a developer to build a house at 140 Saxon Woods Road despite protests from neighbors that it would block the natural water course flowing across the property, the proposed “McMansion” was too tall and unsightly on such a small property and the owner is a developer who was building the house to sell for profit.

This deal had a certain aroma from the beginning that only increased as time passed. In fact at the first Board of Appeals meetings when asked, the developer stated that he was building the house for his family live in when in fact, as it now appears, he planned to sell it all along.

This became evident last week when the uncompleted house was listed for sale at $1.389m. I am appalled that such duplicitous behavior is not only tolerated but also rewarded with hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit for the developer.

Of course one could argue that he in fact did initially intend to take up residence in Scarsdale, but as soon as excavation commenced the water situation became quite clear. Although it must be pointed out that he purchased 140 Saxon Woods Rd with full knowledge of the severe ponding phenomena in the yard and that the former home had suffered for some 30 years of flooding (ever since 144 Saxon Woods Rd was built in 1980, on top of a pond and stream and with higher property grade elevations.

The storm water management plan has not successfully addressed the necessary drainage in the area. Due to the high water table level and a rock shelf it may not be possible to install the cultex tanks/drywell. While excavating the site he was unable to dig to the desired drainage grade level due to water and shelf/ledge.

The developer has in fact built a dam significantly altering the 140 Saxon Woods Rd lot terrain obstructing the natural drainage pattern in the area and interrupting a natural watercourse.

As a result of the excavation at 140 Saxon Woods Road one foot from the property line, part of the backyard property of 138 Saxon Woods Rd sunk. The west to east slope of the Saxon Woods Rd neighborhood has now gone up-hill at 138-140 SW Rd, following the several feet of backfill elevating the grade, resulting in ponding in our yard when it rains.

It appears the developer may very well get his profit and leave behind a compromised neighborhood and an environment prone to flooding. It demonstrates reckless behavior with destructive consequences for Scarsdale residents, with the sole intent of the opportunity to earn easy money.

I kindly request the Village to be more scrupulous in their future considerations of variances requested from developers to build an oversized house on a small property. Scarsdale is not a borough in a city where houses are side by side. We would like to retain the integrity of the Village.

Thank you and best regards,
Richard F. Hanna,
138 Saxon Woods Road, Scarsdale.