Firefighters Set Up Emergency Shelter At Quaker Ridge School
- Monday, 29 August 2011 17:08
- Last Updated: Monday, 29 August 2011 17:13
- Published: Monday, 29 August 2011 17:08
- Hits: 4087
When Village personnel heard about the oncoming storm and the possibility of record rainfalls and local flooding they realized that Scarsdale residents could need a storm shelter. DPW Superintendent Benny Salanitro contacted the local American Red Cross (ARC) on Friday to say that Scarsdale planned to establish a shelter at the Quaker Ridge Elementary School, and the Red Cross agreed to help. The Village provided this information to Westchester County’s Emergency Operations Center and included it in the Village’s storm preparation communications to residents. The Red Cross made 50 cots available, and these cots were picked up by the Scarsdale Highway Department and delivered to Quaker Ridge School on Saturday. The Red Cross promised to send representatives to staff the shelter along with food, water and supplies. For unknown reasons they failed to deliver staff or supplies, and on Saturday afternoon the Fire Department faced the possibility of not opening the shelter at all. That’s when the volunteer firefighters stepped in at the last minute and took control.
Scarsdale’s volunteer firefighters and career firefighters set up the cots in the shelter, opened the doors, and staffed it from 6pm Saturday until 1pm Sunday,
As Benny Salanitro put it “the volunteers did a yeoman’s job, and without them stepping up to the plate there would have been no shelter – period”. Thanks to their willingness to jump in 15 people were able to seek shelter from the storm, including eight Scarsdale residents.
(Pictured at top: Volunteer Firefighters Jeff Hill, Company #1 and Jeff Koslowsky, Company#3)