Thursday, Mar 20th

Gillibrand and Lowey Honor Greenburgh Veterans

GillibrandSenator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congresswoman Nita Lowey paid a visit to Hartsdale on Wednesday 11/11 to honor local veterans and unveil plans to build a veterans memorial at DeSanti Park opposite the Hartsdale Train Station. Firefighters, police, boy and girl scouts and veterans were on hand for the ceremony that was arranged by Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner.

Gillibrand recognized the sacrifices of 23 Loweymillion veterans and their families and called for the country to "honor them everyday." Saying that many veterans return home and find themselves jobless, homeless and suffering from PTSD she vowed to continue to fight for them to get what they deserve. She has introduced legislation to expand coverage for those who were exposed to Agent Orange and asked the group to send letters to their representatives in support of it.

feinerCongresswoman Nita Lowey thanked the veterans for their service and noted that she had helped Greenburgh secure $5 million in financing to restore the pool at Anthony Veteran's Park. She said that she recognized that Gillibrand "was a star" when she came to serve in Congress.

Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner unveiled a new sign and plans for the new memorial which will be completed by 2016.NewParknewsign
