Location for Proposed Dog Park is Not a Done Deal
- Saturday, 06 October 2018 09:05
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 09 October 2018 11:34
- Published: Saturday, 06 October 2018 09:05
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 4114
Some Quaker Ridge residents are upset about the potential location of a dog park at Weinberg Nature Center. We have heard complaints about traffic, noise and fears that the presence of dogs would drive away the wildlife that currently inhabits the Nature Center.
It turns out that Weinberg is just one of several possible locations under consideration. We spoke to Scarsdale Mayor Dan Hochvert who explained that the Trustees have not selected a site for the park. They agreed to ask the Village Staff to request bids from two engineering firms on doing a feasibility study for various sites in Scarsdale that might be home to a dog park. How much would it cost? What would be involved? What are the environment impacts?
Hochvert explained that along with Weinberg Nature Center, the Village might consider placing the dog park at Drake Field, George Field Park or Crossway. Once the firm is selected, they will study all potential sites.
We also received the following letter from the Scarsdale Neighborhood Association Presidents (SNAP) to clarify their position on the creation of a dog park:
Dear Mayor Hochvert and Trustees:
We write to clarify the Scarsdale Neighborhood Association President’s (SNAP) position with respect to the idea of a dog park in Scarsdale. The SNAP proposal for a dog park states that SNAP “requests the Village Board consider the establishment of a dog park in an appropriate Village location.” Accordingly, while SNAP supports an examination of the creation and feasibility of a dog park in the Village, SNAP has not recommended or requested the construction of a dog park at any specific location. Consistent with our proposal, SNAP respectfully requests that the Trustees engage in a comprehensive analysis of the feasibility of the creation of a dog park within Scarsdale at ALL potential locations. We believe it is premature to have adopted a resolution naming a specific location; our position is and has been that all viable locations should be considered jointly.
Thank you,
Sarah Bell
The Scarsdale Neighborhood Association Presidents (SNAP)
So, clearly it’s not a done deal yet. The Mayor invites all residents who want to express their opinion on the placement of a dog park to attend a meeting at Village Hall prior to the Village Board meeting on Tuesday November 13. Ruff!
We are running a survey on Scarsdale10583 to find out what you think about a dog park. If you're a Scarsdale resident, please complete this short survey by clicking here.