Thursday, Mar 20th

Plant Native Trees on Tree Planting Day in Harwood Park

treeplantingOn April 27, 2019 from 10AM to 4PM, the Friends of the Scarsdale Parks, in a collaboration with the Parks, Recreation and Conservation department, will hold Scarsdale’s 5th annual Trees for Tribs Community Planting Day at Harwood Park. The public is invited to sign up on the PRC’s portal on the Village website or just show up with garden gloves, sturdy waterproof footwear, and trowels. Children accompanied by adults are welcomed to participate and learn about nature. A small number of shovels and pitchforks will be provided. If you plan to stay for a while, bring your own filled water bottle, lunch and snacks.

Over the past four years, hundreds of volunteers have planted over 1,000 native, bare root trees and shrubs provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under a grant written by FOSP. A slide show of the project area during our 2018 Community Planting Day event is available on the village website here:

The restoration of Harwood Park would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of village staff and community volunteers. FOSP is grateful to all for their commitment to open space preservation throughout the Village.

FOSP Scarsdale April 27 2019 Community Planting Day Flyer

For residents interested in planting native species on their property, the following is a list of trees planted by FOSP project volunteers:

Red, Silver and Sugar Maple
Speckled Alder
River Birch
E. Red Cedar
Black Gum
Red Oak
White Oak
Gray Birch
Toringo Crabapple
Swamp White Oak
Blue Beech
Black Chokeberry
Sweet Pepperbush
Silky and Grey Dogwood
Red osier and red twig Dogwood
Witch Hazel
Swamp Rose
Sandbar Willow
Cranberry Viburnum