Thursday, Mar 20th

SHS Junior to Bike Across the USA

This summer, 16 year-old SHS junior Glenn Berke will bike across the United States to raise money for the Hemophilia Association of New York (HANY). Berke will be riding with a group of ten teens and two college students organized by a program called Overland Summers. He will spend six weeks pedaling over 3,000 miles in a cross-country trek from Tybee Island, Georgia to Santa Monica, California.

During the 3,012 mile trip across the southern United States, Berke will bike an average of 80 miles a day and sleep at campsites along the way. The trip begins June 25th, so he will leave right after school ends.

Berke was inspired to take the trip by a close friend who has hemophilia. According to Berke, “before I reach the Pacific, I know I’ll have scraped a knee or elbow or collected a few bumps and bruises along the way…minor injuries that might be a more serious story for kids who have hemophilia."

You can help Glenn meet his $5,000 goal by contributing to the Association online or by check payable to HANY and sent to "Biking Challenge", Hemophilia Association of New York, Suite 506, 110 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016. To learn more, click here: