Friday, Mar 14th

CNC Invites Public to Organization Meeting Tuesday Night November 28

ScarsdadleCircular LogoThe Citizens Nominating Committee welcomes 12 newly elected members and invites the public to observe its first meeting Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 8:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Scott Room at the Scarsdale Public Library. Members of the public wishing to attend the public portion of the organization meeting are more than welcome to attend.

Come to the meeting to learn more about Scarsdale's non-partisan system for selecting candidates to run for Village office on the Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party slate. We will also record the meeting for air on Scarsdale Public Television.

The CNC consists of 30 elected Scarsdale residents who represent their neighborhood election units (Edgewood, Fox Meadow, Greenacres, Heathcote and Quaker Ridge). New members are elected to the CNC each November to serve staggered three-year terms. The volunteer group will meet over 5-6 meetings from November through January to seek, interview, and evaluate potential candidates to run for Village office. This year the CNC will nominate individuals to run for three openings on the Scarsdale Village Board, and for Village Justice. Trustee Randall Whitestone will be finishing his second two-year term, and Trustees Jeremy Gans and Kenneth Mazer will each be completing their first two-year term. The General Village Election will be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024.

Scarsdale's non-partisan system has been operating successfully for over 100 years, following a contentious election in 1909. The goal of the non-partisan system is to attract qualified citizens who would otherwise avoid campaigning but would be willing to run for office. The CNC's deliberations and due diligence on all potential nominees is kept confidential to further encourage well-qualified volunteers to apply for a spot on the non-partisan slate. Typically, there are four non-elected and non-voting administrative members of the CNC present to ensure adherence to the procedural requirements of the Non-Partisan Resolution. Potential candidates also have the option to run for office outside of the Non-Partisan System under provisions of New York State law.

Are you interested in running for the position of Trustee on the Village Board? Do you know someone who would serve the Village of Scarsdale well? Contact any elected member of the CNC, or inform the CNC Chair, Jared Stern at 914-874-3660 or [email protected]; or CNC Vice Chair, Mary Pat Jones at 724-822-5267 or [email protected].