Thursday, Mar 20th

Sandy Slams Scardsale

abramscarAt last report 80 trees have fallen on power lines in Scarsdale Village in the fiercest storm to hit the east coast in a lifetime. No official update is available from the Village but from a quick tour around town it was evident that damage was extensive and many major roads are blocked. Stunned residents were gathered in the streets surveying toppled and uprooted trees, crushed cars and devastation. While some felt fortunate that the howling winds, flying branches and trees had not severely damaged their homes other were not so lucky. Trees hit roofs, garages, and cars and it will take months to tally up the damage.

Scarsdale Village’s new communication system, Lightpath went down during the storm and severely compromised the ability of the police and firefighters to respond to resident’s calls. To compensate, the Village hooked up some old equipment. They still can receive 911 calls.

We checked the Con Edison outage map and see that thousands are without power in Scarsdale. Con Edison has not given anywalworthestimate when restoration work will begin here. Crews will need to come to the area to deactivate the wires before Scarsdale’s Highway Department can remove trees from the wires and allow Con Edison and Verizon to make repairs. Given the extent of the damage in Westchester and throughout the area it is doubtful that they will arrive anytime soon.

In the meantime, here’s some information that may be helpful:

  • The Bagel Store in Hartsdale is open
  • Members of the Scarsdale Golf Club can use the club to take showers and access the internet
  • Peppy’s Pizza in Yonkers is open
  • Yoga Station in Hartsdale is open for Hatha at 6:15 tonight and invites you to come to class and charge your phone
  • Westchester Reform Temple is open and asked that we relay the following message to their membership: If you need help because of a power failure or any damage to your home, email Yoel at [email protected]. If your house is okay and you can host someone without electricity or whose home has been damaged, please let Yoel know as well.

Scarsdale10583 readers continue to send us photos of the storm and here they are for youPlease continue to check the site for updates and email us at [email protected] with news, photos and information to share.

Brewster Road
Heathcote Bypass
Foxhall Road
Morris Lane



A tree on Greenacres Avenue
Massa Minus the Weathervane



Mamaroneck Road
Mamaroneck Road