Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale Republican Town Committee Announces 2015 Student Essay Contest

essaycontestThe Scarsdale Republican Town Committee (SRTC) has launched its 2015 essay contest, "Engaging U.S. History: Scarsdale Student Essay Contest". This year the essay topic asks contestants to imagine that they are colonists living in July 1776 and to say why they do or do not support declaring independence from Great Britain. They are also asked about the possible relevance of the independence debate to the contemporary political scene. An objective of the contest is to promote a deepened understanding of U.S. History and to consider how that understanding might help inform debate on current issues.

The SRTC will award substantial prizes to the contest's winners: The John Jay Prize in U.S. History, $500; The Major William Popham Prize in U.S. History, $250; The Emily Ogden Butler Prize in U.S. History, $100. The contest is open to all high school juniors residing in the town of Scarsdale, whether they attend public or private school. The contest entries, which must be submitted with a postmark of no later than October 5, will be judged by James Burkee, an historian at Concordia College. The prizes will be awarded at a public ceremony this fall. Details about the contest and a required Application Form can be downloaded here