Thursday, Mar 20th

Former Scarsdale Police Officer Offers Advice on Securing Your Home

MichaelMartinFormer Sergeant Mike Martin served on the Scarsdale Police force for 20 years before retiring to Florida. But when he moved south he found that he missed the northern pace, and is now back in Scarsdale -- a town he knows well -- in a new role.

Here's his story:

How many years did you serve on the Scarsdale Police Force and what were your roles? What years were you here?

I worked in the Village of Scarsdale Police Department for 20 years; 1982-2002. During the first 7 years I was a patrol officer, the next 3 years in plain clothes in a burglary and larceny patrol unit, then 10 years a Patrol Sergeant.

Throughout my 20 years as a police officer in Scarsdale I responded and investigated many burglaries. To see how it affected the homeowners, the pain they felt, their concerns of safety, how losing sentimental family heirlooms, all the feelings and insecurities of having their homes burglarized, made it a very rewarding feeling arresting the perpetrators of those crimes. I was proud to be a member of the Scarsdale police having been part of arresting several burglars during my time at the Scarsdale Police department.

What did you like about working in Scarsdale?

I enjoyed my 20 years of service with the Scarsdale Police Department, but having my 20 years in and that I was eligible for retirement my wife and I decided to move to Florida where her family had relocated.

What are some of your most vivid memories of your service?

I like helping people and the Scarsdale Police department who puts community policing first. The department's focus is always about helping and interacting in a positive way with residents. Scarsdale is a great community and I enjoyed working with the residents.

What did you find when you moved to Florida?

Life in Florida is much different, but I was fortunate to have the opportunity do some things I probably would not have done in New York. I coached high school soccer at Melbourne Central Catholic high school and was an assistant coach at Florida Tech University and later at Eastern Florida State. Working with student athletes and helping them to believe in themselves and working together to achieve a goal was very rewarding.

There are so many memories, but the most important was that I established long term friendships with a great group of great guys that I still maintain a special relationship with today.

What did you miss about living up north?

I missed the people, the culture, the fast pace of life and most important my family. Our daughters Danielle and Ariana moved back to New York and my wife AnneMarie and I decided to move back to be close to them.

What is your role at Scarsdale Security?

I am now an account executive at Scarsdale Security Systems where the biggest part of my job is customer service. I feel it is important for customers to be comfortable in making security decisions, and trust that I can help them with that. I want to make sure our customers feel that we are responsive to their needs and will be treated like they are a family member.

What do you like about your new position?

I like to be busy, which I am at my job. I'm a people person and with my job I get to meet and interact with new people every day. I also enjoy learning. With security technology always changing, it is important for me to continue to learn and keep up with all of these changes.

What advice do you have for residents to keep their homes secure?

My advice to residents is to always keep your house well lit, make sure newspapers and mail are picked up while you are away and report any suspicious vehicles or people to the police. Make sure you use your security system at all times.