Thursday, Mar 20th

Cornell In Scarsdale


Two enterprising local Cornellians thought it was high time all the Cornell alumni in Scarsdale, Edgemont and Hartsdale had the opportunity to meet and network. The area is rich with ties to the university with 1,000 Cornellians in residence. Todd Wolleman, Class of 80 and Laura Fratt  Class of 81 came up with the idea of a get-together earlier this year. They pitched their plan for a new entity called “Cornell in Scarsdale” to the Cornell University Alumni Affairs office who helped them to put the night together. Brynn Peltz, ’85 made a very generous offer to host the event at her home on Tuesday November 16th. It was a big success with over 150 alums and parents of Cornell students in attendance. Dean Kotlikoff of the Cornell Veterinary School attended and shared exciting plans for Cornell’s new state of the art veterinary facility in Stamford, Connecticut, which will open in January, 2011 and be available to treat area pets. The highlight of the night was meeting and greeting neighbors and friends who shared a common bond. See photos of a wonderful Big Red event here:






