More Items Now Eligible for Recycling
- Monday, 06 June 2011 08:10
- Last Updated: Monday, 06 June 2011 19:18
- Published: Monday, 06 June 2011 08:10
- Hits: 3680
On June 1, Westchester County began recycling plastic containers coded 3 through 7. These items include take-out food containers, yogurt cups, detergent and shampoo bottles and caps. Items should be rinsed clean before being placed in the recycle bin. Previously only plastic containers coded 1 or 2, such as water and soda bottles, cans and plastic milk containers were accepted as part of Scarsdale’s curbside recycling collection program.
This is a huge step for the county’s recycling program. All of the plastic containers that have been thrown in the garbage for years will now be recycled with residents’ cooperation. These new additions will reduce the cost of disposal, provide new revenues for the county and help keep the environment cleaner.
Excluded from the new provision are plastic bags, all plastic film, vinyl, unmarked or non-coded plastics, large rigid plastics, plastic foam, containers that may have held hazardous materials, and building materials. Plastic bags may be dropped off at large grocery and retail stores for recycling.
Last year, 50% of the county’s total solid waste stream was diverted for recycling. For over a decade, Westchester’s recycling rate has stood well above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s national goal of 35%.
Recently, William Ryan, Westchester County Board of Legislators Chairman and Rob Astorino, County Executive recognized the exceptional efforts of the Village of Scarsdale for being one of Westchester County’s “top three” municipalities for recycling in 2010. Under the leadership of Mayor Carolyn Stevens, Scarsdale achieved a high recycling rate of 68%.
Fro more information about the Westchester's exceptional recycling program, click here: