Thursday, Mar 20th

Young Frankenstein On Stage at SHS this Weekend

frankanatomylessonThe Scarsdale High School Drama Club is busy rehearsing for the upcoming performance of Young Frankenstein by Mel Brooks, scheduled for November 20-21 at SHS. The story follows Frederick Frankenstein as he obtains his family's estate in Transylvania. With the help of a hunchbacked sidekick, Igor, and a leggy assistant, Inga, Frederick finds himself in the mad scientist shoes of his ancestors. Fredrick brings to life a creature to rival his grandfather's. The monster escapes and hilarity continuously abounds.

rollinthehayThis play is full of humor and music to keep the audience laughing the entire time. The show will be performed at the high school on November 20 and 21 at 7:30 and November 22 at 2:00. Tickets will be available here and at the door. All ages are welcome.

Cast of Young Frankenstein:togetheragain

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Dillon Orlando
Elizabeth Benning: Ava Bradlow
Inga: Caroline Donat
The Monster: Marco Pompa
Frau Blucher: Megan Reynolds
Igor: Harry Gale
Inspector Kemp: Kristen Schepis
Hermit: Genna Schuster
Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein:Robby Chapell
Ziggy: Sydney Prince
Herald: Caroline Kutzin

Photos by Jon Thaler. See more photos and purchase your own at