Wednesday, Mar 12th

Get in the Game: Scarsdale Invites Residents to Apply for Boards and Councils

volunteerIt’s that time of year again. The Scarsdale Board of Trustees’ Personnel Committee is making its annual appeal for residents to apply for open positions on Scarsdale boards, councils and committees. While vacancies occur from time to time throughout each year, most volunteers begin their terms in early April.

Putting Ideas to Work
The village boards and councils provide residents with real opportunity to take an active role in shaping Scarsdale government policies and programs. Working with village staff and trustees, these volunteer groups consider important civil matters such as property assessments, architectural preservation, local cable television programming, sustainability, technology and recreation.

Some boards, councils and committees are “decision making” bodies that independently review resident applications and requests for approval or revision (such as the Scarsdale Committee for Historic Preservation), while others are “advisory” in nature, and review issues referred by the board of trustees and provide advice to assist in creating policy (like the Scarsdale Advisory Council on People With Disabilities). Ad hoc committees, dealing with timely issues such as food scrap recycling or LED streetlights, research and review specific matters to provide actionable recommendations to the village board.

To offer residents with additional information about Scarsdale boards, councils and committees, village administrators, with assistance from the newly minted Advisory Council on Communications, recently launched a revised and expanded “Volunteer Opportunities” section of Click here to volunteer.

Residents now can access general information about each body, such as meeting schedules and time commitment. Expanded descriptions for specific groups, lists of current members, and relevant documentation also are available. In addition, interested individuals can apply online to join the board, council or committee of their choice. All residents are invited to review the information and consider putting their ideas to work for the Scarsdale community.

My Two Cents
For years, our local government has benefitted from the efforts of resident volunteers in creating plans and programs for the village. Those with a strong interest in civic affairs should add their voices to conversations about Scarsdale’s future. Community input is what makes government effective, responsive and inclusive in resolving problems, addressing current needs, expanding successful programs, and preparing for what lies ahead. And, getting in the game does more good than playing armchair quarterback. Check out how you can make a difference.

The Basics
When applying for membership on Scarsdale’s boards, councils and committees, applicants should consider the following criteria:

Scarsdale boards, councils and committees are comprised of village residents. While comments from those outside the community may be sought as needed, actions recommended or taken by these groups should ultimately reflect the views of Scarsdale residents.

Professional or Business Affiliation
In some cases, specific professional skills and/or training are required by Scarsdale Village law or deemed desirable by the Scarsdale Board of Trustees for the successful fulfillment of some board, council or committee charters.

Civic Interest and Involvement
Many members of the village boards, councils and committees are appointed due to demonstrated interest in Scarsdale affairs. Since the overriding purpose of these bodies is to assure the continuation of high community standards, it is appropriate that members be those residents who have shown a willingness and initiative to work in support of this objective.

Specialized Knowledge
Certain boards, councils and committees benefit by having one or more members with specialized knowledge. Individuals with specific industry or work expertise are encouraged to apply for membership in groups where they can have the most impact (e.g., those with real estate experience would be suited for the Scarsdale Town Board of Assessment Review).

Click here to volunteer: