Thursday, Mar 20th

Radiologists Share Life-Saving Information at I Am More Scarsdale

iammore3Drs. Pam Weber and Stephanie Sims share lifesaving information at I Am More ScarsdaleHow does a board-certified radiologist who is also a Scarsdale business leader integrate her two professions? Dr. Marcy Berman-Goldstein, co-owner of trend-setting retail store I Am More Scarsdale was a radiologist with a specialization in breast imaging before she left the medical world for retailing. In addition to opening the store, she leads the Scarsdale Business Alliance, a group of Scarsdale business owners.

On Tuesday night October 15, Goldstein along with I Am More co-owner Abbey Solomon invited two of her medical colleagues to the store, to answer questions about women’s health, mammography, screening and breast cancer. Drs. Pam Weber and Stephanie Sims, Breast Radiologists from the WPH Imaging Center at New Rochelle, led a discussion on risks for breast cancer, screening and diagnostic imaging and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

They answered questions and shared good news about recent developments in the treatment of breast cancer. They emphasized that early detection and treatment saves lives and that women should not skip their annual mammogram appointments. They reassured participants that “generally speaking patients do well if they catch it early.”

Berman-Goldstein underwent a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery in the summer and fall of 2018, due to suspicious pathology. “Given my medical background, personal experience and strong family history, I feel knowledge is the most important power we can all have to help ourselves and others. I trained with Drs. Weber and Sims at Mt. Sinai Hospital almost 20 years ago and I am so excited they joined us.”

Proceeds from the event will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Fund, a nonprofit organization committed to achieving prevention and a cure for breast cancer. BCRF is the highest rated breast cancer organization in the US, providing critical funding for cancer research worldwide to fuel advances in tumor biology, genetics, prevention, treatment, metastasis and survivorship.