Thursday, Mar 20th

Sign Up Today for Youth Tennis Tournament - Deadline September 30

tennisWith a registration Deadline of Wednesday, September 30th, we urge all youth and parents to sign up for the Scarsdale OPEN Youth Tennis Tournaments for boys and girls , ages 6 to 18 for all skill levels - beginner, novice, intermediate and  advanced to be held at the Middle School Tennis Courts during the next week at convenient times for players after school and on the weekends . The Village has sold over 593 Junior Tennis Permits up over 50 % this year. We urge all youth to sign up and participate.

All players will get participation trophies and winners will get championship trophies in each skill level. Social distancing will be practiced and masks will be required to  enter the courts. Players must have a valid Scarsdale Junior Tennis Permit . Every player will get to play at least two matches. The tournament fee is $ 50 per player payable to the Scarsdale Summer Youth Tennis League .

Contact Bob Harrison , volunteer tournament director, to sign up for the tournament draws and any additional information at [email protected] or 914 725-0962 or 914 646-4054 (cell) by text .