Thursday, Mar 20th

Halloween Window Painting Contest Winners 2022

IsabelleZhuYoung artists produced beautiful window paintings for the 71st year of the annual Scarsdale Halloween Window Painting event. The store windows of Scarsdale Village, Depot Place and the Golden Horseshoe were painted by individuals and pairs and the top prize winner in each category are pictured below.

The Grand Prize went to Isabelle Zhu for her skeleton painted at left.

In total, 204 entered the contest with an additional 158 painters in the family category that was not judged.

Beautiful fall weather made the day a big success.

Here is the complete winner's list along with their work.



 9thGradeIndividualFirst Place 9th Grade Individual - Alexandra Israel9thGradePair1st Place Ninth Grade Pair - Olivia Bercun and Dia Mody7gradeindividualFirst Place Seventh and Eight Grade Individual - Alexandra Thela7gradepairFirst Place Seventh and Eighth Grade Pair - Sophie Luo and Michelle Peng5thGradeIndividualFirst Place Fifth and Sixth Grade Individual - Victoria GongFifthGradePairsFirst Place Fifth and Sixth Grade Pair - Irena Mao and Helen Feng4thGradeIndividualFirst Place Fourth Grade Individual - Leticia Schiavinato4thGradePairsFirst Place Fourth Grade Pair - Jonah Bloomgarden and Teddy Eisenberg3rdGradeIndividualFirst Place Third Grade Individual - Giovana Bardella3rdGradePairsFirst Place 3rd Grade Pair- Scarlett Group and Liv Bass