Tuesday, Oct 22nd

Bicycle Sundays are back! Joggers and walkers and those with scooters and strollers are welcome to enjoy the Bronx River Parkway from White Plains to Yonkers. The 2010 dates for Bicycle Sundays are on May 2, 9, 16 and 23; June 6, 13, 20 and 27; and September 12, 19 and 26. Hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A portion of the Bronx River Parkway is closed to cars for the exclusive use of bicyclists, joggers, walkers, and those with scooters and strollers. The course runs from the Westchester County Center in White Plains, south to Scarsdale Road in Yonkers, a round-trip of 13.1 miles. There are many points of entry and exit along the way. Parking is available at the County Center lot in White Plains for a fee of $4.

For more information go to: http://www.countycenter.biz/BikeSkateSundays.htm

The Scarsdale Farmer’s Market is now outside, every Saturday morning from 9:00 – 1 :30 in the parking lot at Village Hall. There’s farm fresh produce including lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms and everything green on your list. The market also includes baked goods, breads, and rotating vendors offering organic meat, herbs, plants, oils and even NYS wines. Support the Scarsdale Farmer’s Market rain or shine every Saturday morning. Read more from Market Lady Carol DeLisa at: http://localmarketlady.blogspot.com/

The Village of Scarsdale is seeking information from residents and businesses with respect to their understanding of stormwater related issues in the community. In order to better understand what the Village must do to inform residents and businesses, they would like all residents to complete a short questionnaire to support Scarsdale’s continuing Stormwater Management efforts.To complete the questionnaire got to the Hot Topics secions of the village website or click here.


County Executive Robert P. Astorino said last night at the annual meeting of the Edgemont Community Council that Westchester County is going through the tough times right now that Edgemont went through five years ago when it took steps to end runaway spending and spiraling taxes.

Speaking before a crowd of more than 80 people at the Greenville Elementary School, which included School Superintendent Nancy Taddiken, Astorino praised Edgemont’s school district leaders for having the foresight years before anyone else to make the hard decisions on what to save and what to cut. He compared Edgemont’s decision to eliminate the elementary school bus service to its Greenridge neighborhood that the district had been providing for decades with his own controversial decision to eliminate an express bus that runs along Central Avenue to Manhattan. “I know you in Edgemont know how difficult it can be to cut buses. Believe me I know,” Astorino said.

Astorino said there was a $166 million shortfall in the county’s budget, that the county would have to raise taxes by 30% to balance the budget, that he was sticking to his campaign pledge of no tax hikes, and that, as a result, the county had no choice but to cut spending. He said Westchester County had the dubious distinction of being the highest taxed county in the United States for two years running and vowed to “take Westchester out of medals contention” in that category.

Astorino repeated his call for a 15% across the board contribution to health insurance by all 5,600 county employees, a number of whom, he said, would have to be layed off. He said that county employees currently pay nothing for heath insurance which for each family plan costs county taxpayers $22,000 annually.

Astorino said he was reaching out to everyone in the county to get ideas on how to economize and cut costs. He said he had recently met with Edgemont resident and New York City hospital executive John Sganga to discuss ways in which the county could reduce spending at Westchester Medical Center. He also said he had met with a number of the county’s school superintendents, including Edgemont’s Taddiken, to discuss ways in which the county would work with the school districts to reduce their own spending.

“We all serve the same taxpayers,” Astorino said, “We just provide different services.” He added that the idea of county leaders meeting with school officials was once like mixing “church and state” but no longer.

Astorino was introduced by ECC president Bob Bernstein who first met Astorino last year at a Republican fundraising event held at the home of Edgemont residents Ken and Helene Orce. Bernstein, who is chair of the Edgemont Democratic Party, said he had never before attended a Republican event and that for him, “It was like eating ham on Yom Kippur – it was something I just didn’t do.”

Astorino said his message of controlling taxing and spending had bipartisan support and pointed out that in the general election last fall, he won both Scarsdale and Edgemont, where Democrats have long enjoyed a substantial edge in voter registration.

In other business last night, the ECC honored longtime Edgemont resident and Citigroup CFO John Gerspach with the Silver Bowl Award for distinguished community service. Gerspach was introduced by Silver Bowl committee member Geoff Loftus, who recited Gerspach’s long list of community activities, describing him as “tireless and indefatigable.”

The ECC membership also re-elected Bob Bernstein as president for a fourth successive one-year term, after passing a bylaw amendment waiving the ECC’s term limits provision that limited service as president to three successive one-year terms. ECC directors are still subject, however, to a six-year term limit provision.

In addition, the ECC adopted a second bylaw amendment to give the ECC greater flexibility in appointing residents to serve on the School Board Nominating Committee, which is sponsored by the ECC. Most SBNC representatives are supposed to be selected individually by Edgemont’s eight civic associations during their respective annual meetings. However, in recent years, certain of the civic associations did not hold annual meetings and, as a result, no one from their associations were eligible to serve. The bylaw change allows the ECC directors to fill such vacancies from residents who live in areas where civic associations are inactive.

Bernstein explained that the ECC appointments would be for one year only and that if any previously inactive civic associations held their annual meetings in time to appoint SBNC representatives in time to serve in the fall of any year when the SBNC becomes active, the ECC would in each case let the civic associations decide who was to serve from their areas.

“We want our SBNC membership to be as inclusive and as diversified as we can make it. Everyone from throughout Edgemont should be represented. And no one should be disenfranchised from serving because his or her civic association happened to be inactive that year,” Bernstein said. SBNC members are required to attend at least three school board meetings before they may participate in SBNC deliberations.

The four school board candidates who received this year’s SBNC endorsement for the four open positions – Gerry Stoughton, Tom McCormack, David Stern and David Chao were all introduced at the meeting. A fifth candidate, who is running without the SBNC endorsement, did not attend the meeting.

Mayor Carolyn Stevens issued the Annual Meeting Resolutions for 2010-2011 and named Trustee David Irwin, Deputy Mayor, Trustee Miriam Flisser, Police Commissioner and Trustee Richard Toder to the role of Fire Commissioner. The document outlines the liaison assignments of all the trustees to village boards, committees and neighborhood associations.

In the document Al Gatta, Steve Pappalardo, Donna Conkling, Veronica Regazzi, Mary Lou McClure, Maria Colotti,, Wayne Esannason, Arlene Katz, Eric Rothschild, Merrell Clark and James O’Connor are all re-appointed and meeting dates for the Village Board of Trustees are set. The names of new appointees for all Village Boards and Council are included and the document that can be viewed in its entirety below:


The Mayor hereby appoints Trustee David Irwin as Deputy Mayor, Trustee Miriam Levitt Flisser as Police Commissioner and Trustee Richard Toder as Fire Commissioner.


The Mayor also appoints the following Board of Trustee Committee assignments:

Finance Committee        Land Use Committee          Law Committee
Trustee Irwin CH              Trustee Toder CH                    Trustee Mark CH
Trustee Steves                 Trustee Steves                        Trustee Toder
Trustee Mark                    Trustee Eisenman

Municipal Services        Personnel Committee            Recreation Committee
Committee                      Trustee Eisenman CH             Trustee Steves CH
Trustee Levitt Flisser CH Trustee Irwin                            Trustee Flisser
Trustee Steves                                                                 Trustee Mark
Trustee Toder

Sustainability Committee      Agenda Committee
Trustee Flisser CH                   Mayor Stevens CH
Trustee Irwin                            All Trustees
Trustee Mark

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are ex-officio members of all committees.


The Mayor announces the following liaison assignments:

Flisser: Council on People with Disabilities; Cable Television; Junior League of Central Westchester; Committee on Historical Preservation

Irwin: Library Board; Advisory Council on Human Relations, Teen Center, and Village

Toder: Planning Board; Town Board of Assessment; Board of Ethics; Judicial Qualifications Advisory Council

Steves: Advisory Council on Parks & Recreation; Board of Architectural Review; Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling; SCC; Advisory Council on Youth; Advisory Council on Technology

Eisenman: Board of Appeals; Conservation Advisory Council, Friends of the Parks

Mark: Task Force on Drugs & Alcohol; Advisory Council on Seniors; Scarsdale Arts
Council; SVAC

Stevens: Board of Education; Westchester Municipal Officials Association; League of Women Voters; Chamber of Commerce

* * * * * * * *

The Mayor announces the following Neighborhood Association assignments:

Flisser: Arthur Manor; Fox Meadow, Scarsdale Meadows

Irwin: Old Scarsdale; Colonial Acres, Drake Edgewood

Toder: Berkley in Scarsdale Murray Hill/Middle Heathcote, Sherbrook Park

Steves: Quaker Ridge, West Quaker Ridge;

Eisenman: Overhill, East Heathcote, Sherbrook Park

Mark: Secor Farms; Greenacres; Bramlee Heights

Stevens: SNAP

* * * * * * * *

RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 57-1 of the Village Code, Alfred A. Gatta is hereby appointed Village Manager for the current official year, and be it further

* * * * * * * *

RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 57-1 of the Village Code,
Stephen M. Pappalardo is hereby appointed Assistant Village Manager for the current official year.

Pursuant to provisions of Section 57-3 of the Village Code, the Village Manager hereby designates Stephen M. Pappalardo as Deputy Village Manager.

* * * * * * * *

Pursuant to provisions of Section 3-301 of Village Law, the Mayor hereby appoints Donna M. Conkling as Village Clerk for the statutory term of two years.

RESOLVED, that the appointment of Donna M. Conkling as Village Clerk for the statutory term of two years is hereby approved.

* * * * * * * *

The Village Clerk states that pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-402 of
Village Law, and the opinion of the State Comptroller 362, 1960, she hereby appoints Veronica Regazzi as Deputy Village Clerk for the current official year.

* * * * * * * *

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-400 of Village Law, the Mayor hereby appoints Marie Louise McClure as Village Treasurer for the statutory term of two years.

RESOLVED, that the appointment of Marie Louise McClure as Village Treasurer for the statutory term of two years is hereby approved.

* * * * * * * *

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-400 of the Village Law, the Mayor
hereby appoints Maria Colotti as Deputy Village Treasurer for the current official

RESOLVED, that the appointment of Maria Colotti as Deputy Village Treasurer for the current official year is hereby approved.

* * * * * * * *

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-400 of the Village Law, the Mayor
hereby appoints Wayne Esannason as Village Attorney for the current official year.

RESOLVED, that the appointment of Wayne Esannason as Village Attorney for the current official year is hereby approved.

* * * * * * * *

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3-301 and 4-400 of the Village Law, the
Mayor hereby appoints Arlene Katz as Acting Village Justice for the current official year.

RESOLVED, that the re-appointment of Arlene Katz as Acting Village Justice for the current official year is hereby approved.

* * * * * * * *

The Mayor hereby appoints Eric Rothschild pursuant to Section 4-400 of the Village Law, to serve as Village Historian for the current official year.

RESOLVED, that the appointment of Eric Rothschild to serve as Village Historian for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time as a successor is appointed, is hereby approved.

* * * * * * * *

The Mayor hereby appoints Merrell Clark as Chair of said Council for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *

The Mayor hereby re-appoints James O’Connor as Chair of the Judicial
Qualifications Advisory Committee for a term ending April 30, 2010 or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *

Trustee Irwin:

RESOLVED, that the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Scarsdale for 2010-11 be held in Rutherford Hall in Village Hall, located on Post Road, between Crane and Popham Roads, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8:00 p.m. except during the months of March, July, August, October, and December, and that special meetings may be called by the Mayor as necessary, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the meetings for the months of July, August, October, December 2010, and March 2011 will be as follows:

July 13, 2010 8:00 P.M.

July 27, 2010 8:30 A.M. (Limited Agenda)

August 10, 2010 8:00 P.M.

August 24, 2010 8:30 A.M. (Limited Agenda)

October 5, 2010 8:00 P.M.

October 26, 2010 8:00 P.M.

December 14, 2010 8:00 P.M.

December 28, 2010 8:30 A.M. (Limited Agenda)

March 8, 2011 8:00 P.M.

March 22, 2011 8:30 P.M.

and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Agenda Committee of the Board of Trustees shall meet 15 minutes prior to every scheduled meeting of the Board, and be it further

RESOLVED, that The Scarsdale Inquirer is hereby designated the official Village newspaper, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, HSBC Bank and the Cooperative Liquid Assets Security System (CLASS administered by Cutwater (formerly MBIA-Municipal Investors Service Corporation) are hereby designated as official depositories of the funds of the Village of Scarsdale.

RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 10 of the General Municipal Law, the maximum amount which may be kept on deposit at each bank be set at $60 million, and the maximum amount which may be invested in CLASS and any other secured money market investment fund is set at $15 million.

* * * * * * * *
Trustee Levitt Flisser:


RESOLVED, that Beatrice Cremieux is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Council on People with Disabilities for a term ending April 2, 2012, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Carol Kadanoff, Barrie Mabie, and Elihu Massel are hereby re-appointed to serve as members of said Council for terms ending April 2, 2012, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Alexis Kashar is hereby re-appointed to serve as Chair of said
Council for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time a successor is appointed.

RESOLVED, that the purpose and existence of the Council on People with Disabilities in accordance with its Constitution is hereby affirmed by the Village Board.

* * * * * * * *


RESOLVED, that William Jacobs is hereby re-appointed to serve as a member of the Cable Television Commission for a term ending April 6, 2015, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Andrew Sereysky is hereby re-appointed to serve as Chair of said Commission for a term ending April 4, 2011, or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *


RESOLVED, that Michael Braun is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Committee for Historic Preservation for a term ending April 1, 2013, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Linda Blair-Doescher is hereby re-appointed to serve as a member of said Committee for a term ending April 1, 2013, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Victor D’Ortona is hereby re-appointed to serve as an alternate member of said Committee for a term ending April 1, 2013, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Lucas Meyer is hereby re-appointed Chair of said Committee for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *

Trustee Irwin:


RESOLVED, that Michael Duncanson, Harvey Kitay, and Kevin Mandel are hereby re-appointed as members of the Advisory Council for on Human Relations for terms ending April 2, 2012 or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Alfredo Gonzalez and Jiyon Lee are hereby re-appointed as Co-Chairs of said Council for a term ending April 4, 2011, or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *

Trustee Toder:


RESOLVED, that Seth Ross is hereby appointed as a member of the Planning Board for a term ending April 6, 2015 or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Beverley Sved is hereby appointed to serve as Chair of said Board for a term ending April 4, 2011, or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *


RESOLVED, that Evelyn Stock is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Board of Ethics for a term ending April 6, 2015, or until such time a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Irving Picard is hereby appointed to serve as Chair of said
Board for a term ending April 4, 2011, or until such time a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *

Trustee Steves:


RESOLVED, that Mark Gross is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Board of Architectural Review for a term ending April 1, 2013 or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Farley Baker is hereby appointed to serve as an alternate member of said Board for a term ending April 1, 2013 or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Georgene Mongarella is hereby re-appointed to serve as an alternate member of said Board for a term ending April 1, 2013 or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that David Esterman and Maggie Stern are hereby appointed to serve as Co-Chairs of said Board for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *


RESOLVED, that Adam Leader, Matthew Zik, and Louis Vetrone are hereby appointed as members of the Advisory Council on Parks and Recreation for terms ending April 2, 2012, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that David Wald is hereby re-appointed as a member of said Council
for a term ending April 2, 2012, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that William Natbony is hereby re-appointed as Chair of said Council for a term ending April 4, 2011, or until such time as a successor is appointed.

RESOLVED, that the purpose and existence of the Advisory Council on Parks and Recreation in accordance with its Constitution is hereby affirmed by the Village Board.

* * * * * * * *


RESOLVED, that Evan Gross is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Advisory Council on Youth for a term ending April 2, 2012 or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Lou Mancini is hereby re-appointed to serve as a member of said Council for a term ending April 2, 2012 or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Scott Bookner is hereby re-appointed to serve as Chair of said
Council for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time as a successor is appointed.

RESOLVED, that the purpose and existence of the Advisory Council on Youth in accordance with its Constitution is hereby affirmed by the Village Board.

* * * * * * * *


RESOLVED, that Daniel Finger and Michael Raposa are hereby re-appointed as members of the Advisory Council on Technology for a term ending April 2, 2012, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Steve Erde and Sunil Subbakrishna are hereby re-appointed as Co-Chairs of said Council for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *

Trustee Eisenman:


RESOLVED, that George Lindsay is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the
Board of Appeals for a term ending April 6, 2015, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Pamela Rubin is hereby appointed to serve as an alternate member of
said Board for a term ending April 6, 2015, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Roseann Underweiser is hereby appointed to serve as Chair of said Board for a term ending April 4, 2011, or until such time as a successor is appointed

* * * * * * * *


RESOLVED, that Cynthia Roberts and David Silberstein are hereby re-appointed to serve as members of the Conservation Advisory Council for terms ending April 2, 2012, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Bart Hamlin is hereby re-appointed as Chair of said Council for a term ending April 4, 2011, or until such time as a successor is appointed.

* * * * * * * *

Trustee Mark:


RESOLVED, that Barbra Baum, Joan Gips, Marjorie Spiro, Helen Stempel, and Bob Wax are hereby re-appointed to serve as members of the Advisory Council on Scarsdale Senior Citizens for terms ending April 2, 2012, or until such time as a successor is appointed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Carol Silverman is hereby re-appointed to serve as Chair of said Council for a term ending April 4, 2011 or until such time as a successor is appointed.

RESOLVED, that the purpose and existence of the Advisory Council on Scarsdale Senior Citizens in accordance with its Constitution is hereby affirmed by the Village Board.

On Wednesday April 21, Seely Place Elementary School, in conjunction with the American Heart Association, conducted a CPR training program for all 6th-graders. The impetus behind the program was last summer's near-death incident with EHS Senior Cody Fisher. Since then, Cody and his mother, Alisa Herschaft, have been active advocates for CPR/AED training. As a result, more than 42 faculty members voluntarily completed a training workshop this past fall, with future workshops planned. While Fisher and Herschaft considered that a good start, their vision extended much further.

Through their efforts, the American Heart Association donated more than 150 training kits (CPR Anytime™ for Family and Friends) so that every 6th-grader, at both Seely and Greenville Elementary Schools, could not only learn CPR, but also take the kits home to teach their parents and friends. Each kit contained an inflatable mannequin, an instructional DVD and a booklet. "From the minute I walked into the building this morning, there was tremendous enthusiasm for the program," said Mark Hurley of The AHA.

Program facilitator Letitia Osborne explained to the children, that administering CPR could double or triple the chances for survival if someone stops breathing. In addition to full and hands-only CPR instruction, children learned how to respond to a choking victim and Captain Lis, from the Greenville Fire Department, provided an overview about the use of an AED machine. Herschaft realized the importance of knowing CPR after Cody nearly died from cardiac arrest last summer while working at a sleep-away camp. "If it had happened in front of me I would have had to call 911 and wait," she said. As Captain Park, of the Greenville Fire Department, said, "from the time you dial 911, to when help is dispatched and arrives, it could be 3-5 minutes. Knowing how to do CPR immediately could make a huge difference."

As Alisa watched the training session, she dabbed away tears from her eyes. Today is of particular significance to her as it is also Cody's 18th birthday, a day he reached largely due to these life-saving techniques. "I'm just so happy he's alive, and doing so great," she said. This fall, Cody will be attending SUNY Albany School of Business, a rare honor for a freshman, and will be managing the school's football team. When asked what he thought about the fact that this program happened to be taking place on his birthday he said, "It's really heartwarming. A great gift."

At-Home personal CPR Training Kits are available, for $35, through the American Heart Association website or 877-AHA-4CPR.

Betsy Cadel is an Edgemont resident, freelance writer, and wants to wish Cody a very happy birthday.

The Presidents of Scarsdale’s Neighborhood Associations (SNAP) met on Monday night 4/5 and covered lots of ground.  School Board members Linda Chayes and Jill Spieler attended to update the group on the status of the proposed school budget for 2010-2011. The School Board will meet with the community on Thursday night April 8th to get feedback on the budget and on April 19 they will present the proposed budget. They encourage everyone to vote for the budget on May 18.

Here are some highlights of the 2010-2011 School Budget:

  • The current proposed budget would require a 2.88% budget increase for Scarsdale residents and a 6.1% increase for residents of the Mamaroneck Strip. However, due to a recently announced decrease in tax assessments, the Board will need to find another $400,000 by dipping into reserves, raising the tax rate or decreasing the budget. They will make their decision before April 19 when the proposed budget is due.
  • Teachers agreed to forego 1% of their salary increase for the next two years and in the third year to accept a 2% increase. Nine teaching positions, open due to attrition, will not be filled. In exchange for the salary concessions the Board agreed that there would be no layoffs for the next two years, though the number of teachers can be adjusted in response to drops in enrollment. The Board will make every effort to preserve class sizes.
  • A revenue committee is being formed to investigate potential sources of funds for the schools. They will look into the formation of a school foundation, changes in regulations for accepting donations, pay for play for sports programs and other options. The Board is seeking committee members and if you are interested in participating, please email the Board of Education.
  • The administration has proposed a full day kindergarten program, adjusting kindergarten from a 24-hour to a 30-hour week program. The Board supports the decision which will save the district $50,000 in transportation costs.
  • The Board agreed to retain the third Assistant Principal at Scarsdale High School, as she has been effective at student intervention, communication with students and parents and the ninth grade orientation program.
  • State aid to the district remains questionable. Governor Paterson recently proposed a cut of $1.4 billion to state schools and the Board is uncertain how much of the promised funds will come our way.

In other neighborhood business, SNAP welcomed David Bunzel representing the Heathcote Association, a group of 20-30 homes surrounding the Duck Pond in Heathcote.

Mayor Carolyn Stevens announced that the two new Village Trustees, Kay Einsenman and Jon Mark had been sworn in. She also announced trustee liaisons to the neighborhood associations.

Mayor Steves updated the group on the storm and discussed village management, Con Edison, village communications, costs and next steps. Though the storm was costly, if President Barak Obama signs, Scarsdale will receive $350,000 in emergency funds to reimburse us for costs incurred during the storm. She explained how she asked our public officials to intervene to get a response from Con Edison, reviewed the breakdown in Village communications and outlined her next steps to assure better service down the line. She also recommended that residents who wanted to install back-up generators file a permit and use a licensed electrician as a faulty generator had recently caused a house fire on Post Road.

Janet Bell of the Heathcote Five Corners Association asked the Mayor to look into the presence of a large “For Rent” sign near Bistro Citron. She thought that it violated Village Code. She also asked the Mayor if there was any new information on development of the Tavern building, and was told that there were no new plans at this time.

The Planning Board approved an 11,000 square foot building at the Five Corners on the site of the gas station. There will be two levels above ground and two levels of parking below. In addition, the village has permitted the developers to include a truck-loading zone on Heathcote Road. Several members of SNAP expressed concern that large trucks would block driver site lines on Heathcote Road and cause a hazard. However, the site plan has already been approved.

Neighborhood Associations were asked to complete an inventory of homes in their area for the Committee on Historic Preservation. The survey includes questions about neighborhood character, age of homes etc. The Committee will use the survey data in their work to establish new criteria for historic preservation in Scarsdale.