Saturday, Feb 08th

scarsdaleAll members in good standing are invited and encouraged to attend a general membership meeting of the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday September 21 at 6:15 pm. Any member who is attending is invited to bring along a candidate for membership who is interested. The meeting will be held at Rothmans at 1 Boniface Circle.

The agenda will include an update from the Village Planner, Elizabeth Marrinan, addressing a number of crucial issues facing the Village and the business community, including parking and the Popham Road Bridge.

The meeting will review 2010 – including the Fine Art Festival, the Summer Sidewalk Sale, and the new website. We will look forward to the fall of 2010 and 2011, touching on Halloween window painting, winter holiday events, the 2011 Fine Art Festival and the new Harvest Health Fair.

Refreshments provided by Lange’s Deli and Good Life Gourmet.

Please check the Chamber website for updates.

Lewis Arlt, Houlihan Lawrence
(914) 723-8877
[email protected]
[email protected].




saleThe Town of Greenburgh will sponsor  an old fashioned block party and garage sale at the Greenburgh Town Hall, Saturday, October 9th, 2010 from 11:00am until 5:00pm. Proceeds from the event will benefit the town’s youth skating program.

The parking lot at Town Hall will be converted into a welcoming festival-like space with vendors, music and activities for children. If it rains, all activities will be moved inside town hall.

Vendors, professional and non-professional, are invited to participate. To participate, vendors must pay a $50.00 (fifty dollars) participation/ table space fee. Professional, “For Profit” vendors, retailers or established food businesses, will be asked to provide a NYS Sales Tax Certificate of Authority. Any established “Not-For-Profit” organization will be asked to provide a NYS Sales Tax Exemption Certificate. All other vendors, including residents who wish to participate as individual vendors, will not be required to provide either.

The Dry Sale is just like a flea market event – participants may sell a variety of items (legal) that may be found at any flea market type event. Vendors must provide their own “set-ups,” i.e., items for sale, decorations, chairs and a table – not to exceed 3 feet wide and 6 feet long – as well as a table covering (optional). Vendors will be responsible for setting up their individual space, as well as breaking it down at the end of the event and will be held responsible for taking all personal items with them at the end of the day. There will be ample free parking available for all.

Reserve your table space by Friday, September 17, 2010. The $50.00 table space fee must be paid by Friday, October 1, 2010.

For further information, please call 993-1627.



rhoda2Is a turnaround in site in Scarsdale Village? One retailer is betting on a recovery. Rhodadendron, a new apparel, jewelry and gift store has opened next to the Renaissance Bakery at 7 Harwood Court. Similar to the original store in Chappaqua, the boutique offers an appealing array of clothing for moms and daughters at very reasonable prices. In fact, some of their summer merchandise is on sale for as little as $8.

The store opened in early August and features a complete line of hip summer clothing including tops, sun dresses, party dresses, skirts, and tanks. In addition to the clothing, you’ll find a wonderful selection of costume jewelry – eye-catching necklaces, colorful bangles, dangling earrings and accessories – all moderately priced and starting as low as $20.

rhoda3Rhodadendron is also a great spot for gifts. They have a full line of cosmetic bags, scarves, pashminas, clutches and bags that appeal to all. Some of the summer selection is on sale now and fall merchandise is set to arrive soon. There’s something there for you – and everyone you know.

Jackie, pictured here, is inviting and casual and welcomes you to stop by, just to take a peak at what’s in store.

7 Harwood Court
(914) 472-2220



dole1On September 10, 1960, Barrie McVickar Baxter married Karl Craigie Panthen at St. James the Less Church in Scarsdale, NY. They both began their lives having been born in New York City in 1935. Over the course of the past fifty years they have raised four children, Donald, Karen, Kris and Kathryn. They have one daughter-in-law, Carolyn Panthen and two sons-in-law’s, Gary Dole and Mark Webb. They are the proud grandparents to three grandsons, Kyle Craigie Panthen, now a senior in high school; Jordan Henry Panthen, a freshman in high school and Karl Edward Westgate, a sophomore in high school.

Through the years they have enjoyed traveling to various parts of the globe, socializing with family and friends and engaging in various community activities. Karl is still working, currently at Wells Fargo. Barrie spends her time just as busy, through the Woman’s Club, ceramics, choir and continued community volunteering services. They frequently travel to visit with their children and enjoy watching the grandsons grow up. Karl and Barrie have remained active members of St. James the Less Church and just earlier this year Karl was given the Wally Owen Award for dedication and service.

dole3They currently reside in Yonkers, New York. Instead of a party for just one evening, they decided they would spend their anniversary traveling to London and then cruising back across the Atlantic on the Queen Mary 2.

So, Scarsdale and those in the surrounding areas, please share with us in toasting Karl and Barrie Panthen as they celebrate this wonderful milestone in their lives and wish them continued safe travels and another wonderful fifty years!

Cheers Mom and Dad, we all love you and wish you the most happiness and joy that life has to offer, for that is what you have given to each one of us. Happy Fiftieth Anniversary!! Love, your children, children-in-law’s and grandsons.

Submitted by Kris M. Dole

perdestriancrossingIn response to recommendations in the Village Comprehensive Plan and a letter to , the Scarsdale Village Trustees are doing their part to increase the number of restaurants in Scarsdale Village.

One impediment to prospective restauranteurs in the Village has been parking requirements and Village fees that have made it too expensive for some to open. The Village Zoning code regarding Off Street Parking was last amended in 1989 and is now due for an update.

At the August 10th meeting of the Scarsdale Village Board, a resolution was passed to study amendments to the code. The Trustees have charged the Planning Board with looking into regulations from other municipalities and examining industry standards to come up with recommendations for new shared parking regulations.

In other news, new pedestrian signals will be installed at the intersection of Fenimore and the Post Roads as well as Mamaroneck and the Post Roads to make it easier to cross this busy street. In response to resident’s concerns about these intersections, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin made a request to the NYS Department of Transportation to install these pedestrian traffic signals and they agreed.

In order to do so, the state will need to use a small piece of Village land for installation of a traffic signal pole. The Village has granted the state the easements for the land and in exchange the state is paying Scarsdale $16,800.

It’s a win-win situation for residents and the Village.