Tuesday, May 07th

LucieFinkScarsdale kids aren't shy and now a few are making the news. Catch Lucie Fink a 2010 graduate of Scarsdale High School and a junior at Johns Hopkins on the Today Show with Matt Lauer on January 24 talking about teen's online relationships and setting ground rules for spring break.

See the video here:

Also, three Scarsdale High School sophomores were recently interviewed for Good Morning America by Lindsey Davis. Paige Phiipps Rachel Berglass and Rebecca Rosenbaum were on the morning show to discuss Snapchat – a new app that lets you take a picture, send it to a friend and then see it vanish after it is viewed. See what they say about the perils of this new app here ... do these compromising photos actually disappear?

Watch them here:


rjsteamThis Scarsdale RJS basketball team sponsored by Robert Jacobson Sports, won the Annual New Castle Youth Basketball Association MLK Day tournament, Division B, seventh grade on Monday January 21. In the finals, RJS beat Mahopac by 2 points (40-38). Jacob Brief (MVP had the winning basket)

Pictured from left to right are: Noah Glantz, Andrew Nussbaum, Matthew Myron, Jacob Miller, Jacob Fischer, Noah Bleustein, Joshua Ludwig, Nicky Nathanson, Jack Solodar, and Jacob Brief with their coach, Melvin Calhoun. Jack Solodar, Matt Myron and Jacob Brief were also named to the Tournament team. Jacob Brief was MVP.

Coach Melvin Calhoun is a former Westchester All Star Basketball player and a Port Chester resident.

rainbowThe end of 2012 was emotionally complicated in ways many of us did not anticipate. As we looked forward to a joyful holiday season, unexpected, tragic events unfolded. We experienced the wrath of Mother Nature with Hurricane Sandy and the overwhelming shock of the shootings in Newtown, CT. We've learned some lessons about the fragility of life and how people cope in very difficult situations. We celebrated the holidays and welcomed the New Year, but some of us may be left with lingering feelings of sadness and vulnerability.

Although the New Year holds the promise of rejuvenation and fresh starts, it's not unusual to feel trepidation, anxiety and concern about the future.

Even without the recent tragedies in our area, this time of year can leave people with shifts in their mood and energy level. Research demonstrates that cold weather and decreased sunlight contributes to these symptoms. Some people may feel moody or blue and just "not like themselves." Some may feel irritable, anxious or lacking in motivation. There can be an increase in appetite, particularly for foods with carbohydrates, and needing to sleep more than usual. For most people, these shifts in mood and behavior wax and wane and do not significantly affect daily functioning. For others, these symptoms become severe enough to interfere with daily activities and social interactions and may be indicative of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Women are more likely to be affected by SAD than men. People with SAD show a typical pattern of significant symptoms during the winter months and improvement during the spring and summer months. Light therapy is particularly useful to alleviate symptoms of SAD, however it may be combined with other treatments such as psychotherapy and/or medication.

Most people do not qualify for a diagnosis of SAD; they simply experience "winter time blues." Although these feelings can be bothersome, there are some concrete behaviors which can help combat the "blues." Here are some simple tips that will help you feel better:

1. Make a cognitive shift in your thinking. See the glass as half full rather than half empty. Use positive self-statements and avoid self-criticism. We all make mistakes, cut yourself a break! With practice, you'll see that when you think differently, you'll feel and behave differently.

2. Exercise and move your body! Exercise has physical and psychological benefits. It releases the brain's "feel good" chemicals known as endorphins. Endorphins boost mood, relieve tension, and increase strength and energy.

3. Spend time outdoors, even if it's cozier indoors. Small amounts of sunlight and a change in scenery can lighten your mood. Even a short walk is beneficial. Try to embrace winter (even if you want to flee to Florida), enjoy small things, like the smell of evergreen trees, the freshness of the air and the excitement of winter time activities.

4. Give yourself some TLC. Get a massage, take a relaxing bath, use the scented candle you received as a holiday gift, or listen to your favorite music. Now is the time to treat yourself to something special.

5. Stay connected with family and friends and make it a point to schedule social activities. Simply thinking about doing something fun can enhance your mood. Keeping in touch with people in your life, even if you don't feel up to it, is important and can prevent feelings of isolation.

6. Try something new and challenging; it's time for a fresh start. Make a short list of a few things you'd like to change and set some realistic goals. You may consider taking a class that is very different from your usual choice. If your physician approves, why not try rock climbing?

The take home message is simple: It's OK to experience mood or behavior changes at this time of year, but don't let them overwhelm you. Try some simple behavioral changes and you may find yourself welcoming in the New Year with increased optimism and joy!

This article was contributed by psychologists Dr. Michelle Sanders and Dr. Karen Bergsman from Scarsdale who direct a private practice known as, "Dr. Moms New York". They can be reached directly at 914-509-5439, via email at DrMomsNY@gmail.com or at their website http://www.DrMomsNY.com or follow them on Facebook.

lewleoneI was channel surfing the other night and spotted Scarsdale's Lew Leone on the screen. Temporarily confused, I looked again and realized I was not watching Channel 77 and this was not a Board of Education meeting! I usually see Lew, who is a member of the Scarsdale Board of Education, sitting around the large table at Scarsdale High School, but here he was presenting "Lew's View" on Fox 5 where he is the Vice President and General Manager.

And what were Lew's views? Last night he was comparing the State of the State addresses of Governor Christie and Governor Cuomo. He called Governor Cuomo's 78-minute speech "mind-numbing" and then went on to compare the approach of the two on gun control, saying,

Andrew Cuomo was actually ranting and raving. New York already has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country but Andrew wants to do more. "We must stop the madness, my friends," he said. "And in one word it's just enough -- it's been enough." He used some flawed logic by linking the Second Amendment to hunting but he wins on this topic because gun control didn't come up in Christie's speech. The New Jersey governor says gun control is not a priority for him. That's because he has national aspirations and gun control doesn't go over well with Republicans.

Interested in learning more about Lew's Views, I looked up a few more of his statements on the Fox website where he often speaks about the same issues that face the Scarsdale School Board.

Here are just a few of the comments I found:

Mandate Relief: (From the January 14 statement)

Cuomo laid out plans for full-day preschool in high needs districts. The self-described chief lobbyist for students left out any mention of mandate relief for the many districts choking on state-required payments and he was also mum on the fact that New York City does still not have a teacher evaluation plan.

Teacher Evaluations  (From April 18, 2012)

It has been interesting to hear teachers unions and administrators complaining about the new system to rate job performance on a 100-point scale as part of the federal Race to the Top program. Most of the opposition to the rating system relates to how it is not fair to the teachers because there is no perfect system to evaluate teacher performance and effectiveness. In New York City, the United Federation of Teachers has filed suit to fight the release of teacher ratings to the public.
... Take a look at any union contract and you will see that we, the taxpayers, have bent over backwards to reward teachers with high pay, tenure, terrific benefits, summer vacation, huge pensions, and favorable work rules. In return we deserve and demand accountability.
So what if the ratings aren't perfect? It's time for the unions to step up, stop protecting the adults, accept that our system is failing and embrace reform to help put us on the right track.
Teaching is noble and valuable profession but it is not for everyone. Given the current state of the economy and our education crisis we have to ensure that we are able to reward the best teachers, develop the promising ones and help the worst ones find a new job.

Teacher Tenure: September 2010

Tenure is an antiquated process whose time has come to an end. Tenure was established when few protections were afforded to teachers. Now there are many employment laws and regulations that protect teachers and tenure is an added level of security that is no longer necessary. Most people agree that no one should be guaranteed a job for life.
It is my view that tenure reform will happen sooner than later and I believe the tenure process should be completely abolished. The teachers unions are going to fight tooth and nail to oppose tenure reform but they will do so with public perception turning against them.

Since it appears that the Scarsdale Board of Education holds their more controversial discussions in executive session, it's interesting to know what at least one of our School Board members really thinks.

Tarnower2Scarsdale was in the spotlight again this week when Jean Harris, the jilted mistress and murderer of Herman Tarnower passed away at age 89. Reviewing newspaper clippings and magazines from the time, it's evident that little has changed in Scarsdale in the 33 years since Harris' yearlong trial for murder was the talk of the town.

Harris made Scarsdale famous when she shot Dr. Herman Tarnower in 1980 after he spurned her for a young receptionist in his office at the Scarsdale Medical Center. At the time of his death Harris had been Tarnower's mistress for 14 years. When she murdered him at his home in Purchase the doctor was 69, Harris, 56, and Lynne Tryforos, the third leg of the love triangle, was a 37 year-old divorcee who worked as a receptionist at the Scarsdale Medical Group. Nicknamed Hi Tarnower, the doctor never married and was a reputed womanizer whose sexual exploits were the subject of much speculation.

Though many associate Tarnower with Scarsdale, his relationship with the 'dale was more professional than jeanharrispersonal. At the time of his death, Tarnower lived on a 6.8 acre estate in Purchase, was a member of Century Country Club in Purchase and on the staff of three Westchester hospitals. He was also an avid hunter and a "regular visitor" to a private hunting club in Dutchess Valley. Accompanied by shooting companions Arthur Schulte and Bob Jacobs, he was involved in several accidents. During one of these outings, Tarnower "winged Schulte in the chest," and on another Tarnower shot and killed Schulte's dog, a prized Weinmarner. In yet another mishap, Tarnower shot himself in the leg while climbing a fence with a loaded gun.

However it was the cache of Scarsdale that put Tarnower in the national spotlight. After the Second World War, Tarnower, who was a trained cardiologist, left military duty and came to Scarsdale to form a small group practice in the Village. By 1959 Tarnower had amassed the funds to build the Scarsdale Medical Group at 259 Heathcote Road. He had acquired the property at a competitive price years before, possibly because it was "low-lying" and possibly prone to the flooding we now see today. With the vision of forming a "mini Mayo Clinic," he and his partner Dr. John Cannon enlisted a gastroenterologist, an allergist and an endocrinologist to join them in a group medical practice. However, the Scarsdale Zoning Board scarsdalemedicalgroupobjected to the construction of a professional building in a residential area and battled the plans for years. Tarnower insisted the fight was due to anti-Semitism and refused to back down. He ultimately won and the Scarsdale Medical Center still stands today.

Tarnower also used "Scarsdale" to further his means when he named his famed diet book, The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet." Published in 1979, just two years before his death, the book was one of the first to recommend a low-carb diet. Though Tarnower was a cardiologist, rather than a nutritionist, hecompletediet formulated The Scarsdale Diet that involved cutting down on carbs and eating oily fish, lean meat, fruits and vegetables, and limiting intake of fats, salts, and sweets. Tarnower had been distributing the regime on a mimeographed sheet for years before he and collaborator Samm Sinclair Baker expanded it to a book that sold 75,000 copies in hardback and over 2 million paperbacks and made Tarnower rich.

During her trial, which lasted a year, Harris stayed in Scarsdale, and the town made national news. In an article from a North Carolina newspaper in December 1980, it was evident that the murder was the talk of the town.

"As might be expected, the Tarnower case has attracted a great deal of talk, including gossip suggesting that Dr. Tarnower was a woman chaser. But while nearly everyone in the village either knew the doctor personally or knew someone who was a patient of his, the picture of him that emerges varies dramatically. Some, especially fellow physicians, use such words as "cold," "arrogant" and "reclusive" in characterizing him, but just as many remember him as a likable man."

The article goes on to discuss a debate about the non-partisan system that has "only recently been challenged as restrictive." With an election scheduled for March 17, 1981, " many residents have voiced reservations about the present system."

Looking back at the archives, it's interesting to note that the Harris-Tarnower case brings to light many of the same issues that make news in Scarsdale today. Diet, fitness, social climbing, guns, religion, intrigue, celebrity, zoning and the non-partisan system -- how far we have not come in 32 years.

This information was taken from "Very Much a Lady, the Untold Story of Jean Harris and Dr. Herman Tarnower" by Shana Alexander, published by Simon and Schuster in 1983 and "The Headmistress and the Diet Doctor" by Anthony Haden Guest, New York Magazine, March 31, 1980.

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